cover project baikal 70 infrastructure
Published: 2021-12-17


  • Elena Grigoryeva

    The darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea covered the city hated by the procurator...
    М. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita
    The seventh airfield subzone covered our beloved city. Construction was stopped, and engineering was frozen. Now we have as much free time as we need. And while Irkutsk is struggling with the mistakes of previous administrations, let's see how new air terminals are opened one by one in the regional capitals of the country: Kemerovo, Saratov, Perm... The first one we saw was LEONOV in Kemerovo. And we saw it not online, but live, when we arrived at the...


  • The news highlights the UIA’s events concerning climate change and clean environment, the UIA 2030 Award launched in partnership with UN-Habitat, and the
    results of the 5th edition of the Baku International Architecture Award.

  • The article concerns some peculiarities of A. Rappaport’s thinking: his commitment to unhurried consideration of any issue in general and architectural problematics in particular; his feeling of the necessity to go back to the origins of contemporary views of architecture to bring the lost spiritual and moral qualities back to architecture; his criticism of professional education as a set of renewable cliches.

  • On October 23, 2021, Alexander Gerbertovich Rappaport turned 80 years old. During his lifetime he has written 5,000 texts. They were all published in his blog “Tower and Maze”. Rappaport's articles and books never get old. His 5,000 texts are to be read by future generations, and perhaps his desire to be an oracle for those who come to architecture in the third millennium will come true.

  • The review analyses the main topics and problems of the monograph written by A. V. Malko on the basis of her dissertation. The book provides a German-Russian comparison of the mechanisms and tools of regeneration. Taking into account their specificity, they can be applied in different historical cities for their sustainable development.

  • This news section presents the awards received by Irkutsk architects, the meetings  of the RAACS and the Union of Architects of Russia, as well as other architectural events.

  • The Festival “Zodchestvo of Eastern Siberia” was founded at the turn of the millennium. The first Festival was held in 2001 at Irkutsk Sibexpocenter and caused a massive outcry among the architectural community in Siberia and throughout the country.

    Later the Festival “Zodchestvo of Eastern Siberia” became one of the most important annual architectural events in Russia. The first participants of the Festival were the architects from Eastern Siberia (such cities as Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk, Chita and Krasnoyarsk, republics of Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, as well as Ust-Ordynsky and...

refereed articles

  • The history of cultural space is viewed as a history of constant and necessary modernization of infrastructure. The main feature of infrastructure is the network organization and the constructive role of hub-nodes and connections and their bent for rationalization and transnational trends. The power, directions and goals of infrastructure determine the development of cities. Modern strategies for general social development imply the emergence of efficient communication corridors, highway networks and hubs located along the perimeter of the country, determining the country’s gravitation...

  • Alexander Asadov, Andrey Asadov

    The airport terminals in Perm, Saratov and Kemerovo created by Asadov Architectural bureau are presented. General concepts of complexes, architectural and interior solutions for passenger terminals, as well as elaboration of design codes of administrative and technical buildings are given. Particular attention is paid to passenger comfort and safety.

  • Transport interchange hubs (TIH) combine the features of public buildings and transportation facilities. Their functional diversity and technological features dictate their uniqueness and the inability to use standard space-planning solutions. Classification and research of the TIH will help to successfully develop and implement a large number of objects simultaneously. The author describes an approach to the TIH classification according to the following features:
    capacity (volume of passenger traffic), composition (number of modes of transport), functionality, location in the city...

  • The article features the architectural solution and purpose of the Nizhegorodskaya transport and interchange hub, as well as the importance of interaction between the leading design teams of different profiles. It describes the symbolic and artistic component of the project and its implementation.

  • Historical evolution of urban infrastructure is a phenomenon not only (and, perhaps, not so much) of spatial and functional development of urbanization as a reflection of changing spiritual and mythopoetic perceptions of the city and its relationship with the outer world. The article is devoted to the study of centuries-old historical transformation of urban infrastructure as a subject of mythopoetic discourse.

  • The development of digital technologies, the transformation of the Internet into a “communication medium” leads to the formation of a network society with the large-scale development of network culture and the invasion of network business and network forms of education. Replacement of the face-to-face contact by the network communication, destruction of personal space, openness of personal life, its “inclusion in the network”, simultaneous possibility of
    anonymity, protection and irresponsibility of users become a reality of modern life. Network systems are becoming the basic...

  • In modern urban planning discourse, ethical issues, primarily the fairness of resource allocation, are being discussed more and more persistently. The city's infrastructure is considered here as an expression of the principles of social philosophy. The article raises the problem of modeling the ethical and aesthetic aspects of urban infrastructure using artificial intelligence as part of the general trend in the development of modern architecture.

  • The bridge is a popular image of formation of the city’s symbol, brand and composite character. The essay proposes interpretation of the mythopoetics of bridges, one of the most ambiguous, mysterious and attractive typological niches in architecture.

  • Alexei Levashev, Maxim Sharov, Olga Lebedeva, Alla Lytkina, Alexandra Butuzova, Oksana Prokofieva, Svetlana Yatsenko

    The lack of integrated territorial and transportation planning in Irkutsk and Irkutsk agglomeration has led to the degradation of transport infrastructure. A number of measures are proposed to improve the efficiency of the transport system, including the elaboration of a development plan for sustainable mobility with a focus on public transportation services for urban areas. The use of modern transport modeling tools allows to take into account the negative consequences of reducing transport accessibility, but requires the integration of accumulated information about the characteristics...


  • Elena Grigoryeva

    Nowadays, one can hardly deny the importance of the system of public spaces. Its role as an integral element of urban infrastructure is actively studied, yet
    not fully comprehended. This section presents a collection of publications devoted to the history of the question using the example of public spaces in Krasnoyarsk. The therapeutic role of urban gardens is an example of the innovative approach of the Crimean scientists to the problem of the city infrastructure.
    Philosophy of separate objects is discussed in the articles of our regular authors. The fountain and the city well,...

refereed articles

  • Natalia Unagaeva, Irina Fedchenko, Alexey Lipovka, Olga Bliankinshtein, Natalia Popkova, Matvey Savelyev

    The open public spaces (OPS) of Krasnoyarsk are analyzed from the perspective of the global trend in the comfortable urban environment formation. The given classification reflects the unique natural landscapes and objects of the existing landscape-planning structure of the city. The methodological approach to the complex analysis of their current state is based on the assessment of the territory development potentials and is carried out, inter alia, with the use of geoinformation data analysis. The unique and unified factors influencing the development of the OPS are identified and...

  • Krasnoyarsk parks are studied in the general system of green areas of the city. The Central Park of Krasnoyarsk is analyzed in detail, its evolution is traced through its periods. The planning, landscape and architectural-spatial transformations of the garden-park territory have been studied and illustrated. The prospects for the development of the park are outlined on the basis of a review of project proposals and the results of an Open International Competition for the development concept of Gorky Central Park in Krasnoyarsk in 2020. The principles of a good park have been formulated.

  • The creation of therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes in the structure of landscaping of hospitals and clinics is an important direction in the formation of the landscape and urban planning framework of cities to avoid the consequences of the pandemic. The landscape code of therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes is scientifically grounded practical guidelines for the architectural and landscape design of the territories of healthcare facilities.

  • Often placed in the heart of old cities, the fountain has not become a focus of architectural problematics, being pushed aside by more monumental and significant constructions and large-scale issues. When identifying the origins of the city, or its source, one usually thinks of something harder than water and more pragmatic than fine streams. However, the sources are of special magic, which, as claimed by Vitruvius, traces its origin to the Egyptians, and from which all cities take their origin. The article makes an attempt to study the phenomenon of fountains and to comprehend its...

  • Fresh water in the city is considered as the most important strategic resource for the existence of mankind. The article reveals religious, mythological and everyday symbols of water as a necessary element of national spiritual cultures. It also describes architectural peculiarities of wells as centers of attraction for citizens, meeting places and magic rituals in different regions of the world. The importance of fresh drinking water as an element of urban infrastructure is emphasized.

  • Irina Kukina, Ivan Ryaposov, Klavdia Kamalova, Yana Chui

    Drawing on the case of Krasnoyarsk, the authors study the possibilities of defining the territories of integrated development (ITD), as well as possible directions of their development from the standpoint of the modern understanding of the renovation of the city environment. To assess the functioning of residential areas to be reconstructed, the method of urban morphology and the QGIS geoinformation complex based on open data were used. Some territorial parameters are analyzed and proposed for determining the ITD, in accordance with the present ideas about the modern comfort of the...


  • The infrastructure of the city accompanies a person at all stages of their biography, including death as an integral attribute of life. This section includes three articles, the authors of which appear in our journal for the first time. The articles discuss strong trends that usually escape the attention of architectural theorists. There is a return of communal and other forms of housing where people unrelated to each other live under the same roof. Is it a global trend or a forced measure against economic hardships? A rethink of the rental house, a rapid shift in the balance from home...

refereed articles

  • The topic of housing efficiency has always been among the priorities since the emergence of rental houses. However, in today's Russia, a multi-apartment residential building with collective forms of property is widely spread, which is a low-efficiency housing facility and definitely needs infrastructural improvement within the framework of the public-private entrepreneurship. The basis for this is the efforts of government agencies, which more and more often enter the rental housing market, creating competition for the shadow sector of rented apartments.

  • The article studies the current trends in the development of coliving typology, the preconditions for the emergence and growth of demand for the new housing format. The authors identify its main distinguishing features and the features of functional zoning. The coliving infrastructure includes residential, public and business zones. The article gives a brief historical overview of the formation of residential buildings with an additional function. It analyzes the continuity of the ideology of architecture of coliving, communal house and multifunctional residential complex, as well as...

  • The author analyzes the current state of hospices and palliative centers in the Russian Federation, as well as the problems and opportunities they face. The presence of world-class hospices along with the regions of zero palliative care for the population is revealed in the infrastructure of the RF. The article studies the basic forms of care organization and reveals the necessity of taking into account territorial and regional peculiarities of a particular region. It also outlines the necessary components of hospice care and highlights the ethical sense of its provision.

refereed articles - heritage

  • Wooden chapels are a bright and typical phenomenon of the traditional culture. The chapels were non-altar temples of a small peasant parish, which retained their independence, providing a special atmosphere for performing rituals. The work examines the reasons for setting chapels according to historical and typological characteristics and the specifics of the formation of their architectural and structural features. The empirical base of the research was the material of 36 architectural and ethnographic expeditions, archival and museum sources of the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions,...

  • Alina Ivanova, Ekaterina Glatolenkova, Mikhail Bazilevich, Gábor Csanádi

    The article compares the prerequisites of “national renaissance” in the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. It analyzes the similarity and difference in the development of the Russian style and the “Magyar Renaissance” are analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that despite the different intensions of the emergence of national romanticism, in both cases the national style evolved from an overdecorated facade architecture to the most laconic “severe”
    style, which was more appropriate in the context of the beginning of the First World War. By 1914, integral ensembles appeared,...

  • Alina Ivanova, Mikhail Bazilevich

    The article reflects the results of the research carried out by the authors in the framework of the scientific project: "Architects and engineers of the eastern outskirts of Russia (second half of the XIX - early XX century)". The legacy of the city architect Nikitin (6 surviving buildings) is considered. Descriptions and stylistic analysis of objects are given, a conclusion is made about the broadest creative range of the provincial architect.

  • The architecture of unrealized projects of consular institutions of the Russian Imperial Consulate in Harbin is considered and analyzed. The projects were part of an unrealized plan to reorganize the consular service of the Russian Empire, the construction of which was never carried out due to the outbreak of the First World War and the subsequent October Revolution. In the course of the study, authorship of the projects carried out by the talented civil engineer Kazy-Girey Nikolai Alexandrovich was established, as well as his brief biography and the main stages of his creative activity....