cover project baikal 69
Published: 2021-09-20


  • Elena Grigoryeva

    The term GLOCAL that appeared only thirty years ago and was taken by us as the theme of this issue, is internally contradictory. The global, relating to the globe as a whole, looks like the opposite to the local, partial. Our paradoxical time, however, fills the term with actual meaning. Humanity is united in a common information space, and none of the corners of the Earth can ignore universal human processes and trends anymore. Globality threatens to erase all local differences, unify and average everything and everyone. Against this background, there is an escalating struggle for vivid...


  • The news highlights the UIA’s call for solidarity in reconstruction of Haiti after the earthquake, the winners of the UIA 2021 Gold Medal and Prizes, the winners of the international competitions VELUX 2020 and Kaira Looro 2021, as well as designation of Copenhagen as the world capital of architecture for 2023.

  • The report of the president of the RAACS concerning the scientific activities of the RAACS was presented online at the General meeting of the RAACS members in June 2021. The report contains the review and analysis of the most urgent problems faced in architecture and town planning in a time of transition to the post-industrial historical space: creating a comfortable urban environment, a large-scale solution for housing problems, implementation of digitalization, environmental compliance and scientific support for the breakthrough in the socio-economic evolution of Russia, which falls...

  • The article presents the results of the Competition for the best architectural concept of the trade and exhibition furniture center in Kemerovo (55 Prospekt Oktyabrsky).

  • The news section presents architectural competitions and other events held at the House of Architects in Irkutsk, as well as the latest news related to Siberian architecture.

refereed articles

  • The article examines the concept of glocality in relation to architecture and urban planning. The notion of glocality is proposed as an embodiment of global trends in local forms, taking into account the historical, geographical and cultural characteristics of the given chronotope. The deviation of the balance towards globality leads to unification, erasure of local features and loss of cultural diversity. On the contrary, the predominance of the local aspect leads to "cultural nationalism", separation from the global information space and artistic barrenness.

  • Glocalization is a point where globalization enters communities or phenomena of different styles, cultures and traditions, including the phenomena of fine arts and architecture. Artificial glocalization is a search and application of specific forms-signs, and creation of a set of characteristics symbolizing the local tradition. Natural glocalization occurs when the national culture is on the rise and is ready to accept any innovations without loss of identity, when it is not forms-signs that work, but forms-images, which are identified as national.

  • Globalism has demonstrated both its power and helplessness in creating human qualities of the environment. The latter was a matter of architecture, but it has been a victim of a narrowed and reduced model of globalism, a modernist model. Surmounting the crisis that has taken the past half century cannot be considered complete yet. At present, one can see the problems and prospects of new syntheses of the universal and the local, without which it is impossible to imagine the comprehensive future of the planet.

  • The contradictory integrity of the global and the local is viewed as a source of transnational and regional development. Design is an important aspect of glocalization, which ensures the “formulation” and introduction of basic ideas into the real life, and a space of compromise and interaction between the global and the local. It is clearly demonstrated by contemporary branding systems. Design as a scientific and educational space is presented in glocal discourses through the work of the Design Department of INRTU.


  • Elena Grigoryeva, Konstantin Lidin

    Sometimes, people dream of
    Blue cities,
    Which have no name.
    Song from the film
    “Two Sundays”, 1963
    What does the future hold for us? This question has always attracted attention and always eluded answering. Which of today’s trends will shape the appearance of tomorrow's cities? Irkutsk architects, continuing the theme of the Winter City, reflect on the development of underground urbanism. Novosibirsk citizens study the creative capital as the main resource for the growth of Siberian cities. The environmental approach to urban development and
    the ratio of the notion of...

refereed articles

  • The article studies the evolution of underground spaces, from the history of their development in the primitive world to the most striking examples of their present-day realization. Particular attention is paid to the development of underground spaces and the ancient world, as well as the period of the industrial revolution, the modern times, when there was a surge in the development of underground urbanistics. The article touches upon modern trends in the development of underground architecture, which involve multipurpose spatial planning and complex development of the interior of the...

  • Nadezhda Vavilina, Galina Parshukova, Polina Parshukova

    The article considers sociological theoretical approaches to the understanding of creative capital as a resource for the development of urban economies. It features methodological approaches to sociological research. The data of comparative analysis of the creative capital of Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk are presented. The comparative analysis was carried out on the materials of real sociological research conducted in 2020 according to a common methodology for determining a quota sample. The study was carried out on the basis of a quota sample of the city population aged 18 and over. The...

  • In the XX century, the city became a problem and challenge to a new, developing urban design consciousness. At first, rational approaches to the city promised bright prospects, which can still be felt today in the graphics of Le Corbusier or L. Hilberseimer. However, only the Renaissance could afford conceiving the city in only one perspective. The XX century needs comprehensive technologies, but the most advanced system of calculation, regulation and control should be based on something that generates the very idea of the city. Fruitless technologies taken as tools need to be boosted by...

  • In architectural science, the topic of environment has been widely discussed for more than half a century without much effect. The topic of style was displaced from the architectural science as early as in the 1970s, on the one hand, by the environmental approach, and by postmodernism on the other. Environment seemed to be a category opposing the style. A new, deeper understanding of the style implies bringing it closer to environmental phenomena. The style is normative. Meaning can move freely from the normative to the incidental. All this brings meaning closer to the environment, which...

  • The concept of “environmental approach” in the theory of architecture, urban planning and design is usually used in the singular, but its content is often interpreted in different ways. Basing on the author’s concept of the “circle of environmental knowledge” and conceptual and terminological analysis of texts with an environmental focus, the author proves the necessity to speak about multiplicity of environmental approaches and considers the content and specific characteristics of seven enclaves of environmental knowledge and practice. The author describes the matter of each of them,...


  • Elena Grigoryeva, Konstantin Lidin

    We lived and lived. But then, whoops!
    We found ourselves in other times…
    Timur Shaov. “Other times (listening to Galich once again)”
    Crises shaking our reality in the last decades happen so often that they overlap each other like roof tiles. Linear development of the second half of the twentieth century gave way to the era of cardinal changes. While building a new world, we strongly feel the need to preserve and comprehend the past. It is possible to understand the new only in comparison with the past. The disappearing world that consists of separate, isolated and selfcontained...

refereed articles

  • Globalization and widespread active introduction of architectural forms, techniques, materials and building technologies pose a
    problem of finding regional identity, particularity and uniqueness of the style in architecture. Consideration of history and traditions of regional architecture is one of the ways to reveal this identity and uniqueness. Wooden architecture is traditional for Siberia. It has hardly evolved stylistically since the 1920s. Studying stylistic formation in wooden architecture of Siberia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries, including modern, will help to...

  • The architecture of stone buildings, built at the expense and with the assistance of merchants and small traders, which form the basis of the architectural and historical environment of the center of Yalutorovsk, was considered. For the first time, on the basis of composition and style analysis of merchant buildings, the specifics of style directions in the architecture of the city were revealed. Changes in the functional purpose, the original appearance of historical objects and development in general were traced. The materials of complex scientific research and restoration project of...

  • The article analyses the graphic reconstruction of the lost Novopokrovskaya Church in Rosov-on-Don by architect N. M. Sokolov.
    The goal was to carry out visual reconstruction of the lost historic building on the basis of historical and archival studying of documents and extant images, as well as field studies. The history of the construction of the Novopokrovskaya Church was studied. The visual reconstruction of the church lost in the modern urban environment was carried out.

  • The article is about the unpublished project of I. I. Leonidov, whose facades are found in the collection of the Pompidou Center. The project of the years of Leonidov's creative apogee significantly complements our understanding of the evolution of the architect's creativity. In addition to describing and evaluating the reliability of available materials, the project is placed in the context of both Leonidov's work and Soviet architecture of the 1930s in general.

  • The article presents the materials of seven expeditions made by the author and his fellow architects from 2012 to 2021 around Stalin’s prison camps located in the territory from Yakutsk to Magadan. Researchers performed photographic record of the remains of camp buildings of various types and wooden bridges with unique design, described mines where prisoners mined tungsten and other minerals essential to the defense of the country. The article presents measurements of bridges, camp buildings, civil objects and author's photographs of the given objects.

  • Victor Kuzevanov, Alexey Ponomarev, Sergey Kalyuzhny, Yong-Shik Kim

    The history of the first «Korean Garden» design, development and establishment within the Irkutsk State University Botanic Garden in the harsh climatic conditions of Baikalian Siberia is described. The peculiarities of the selection of plants and landscape arrangements represent this garden as a unique ethnobotanical object – the cultural and natural heritage of Korea, an ecological and humanitarian resource for science, education and international cooperation.


  • Elena Grigoryeva, Konstantin Lidin

    And two thousand years of war.
    The war without any special cause.
    “The star called the Sun” (band Kino)
    Throughout its history, humanity has been fighting almost constantly. Cities were designed either as fortresses capable to hold the fort, or as permeable structures, which can be quickly restored after destruction. People, whose profession is meant for war, have always been a special caste and evoked a special attitude. We are witnessing an unprecedented process: the war changes its character, becomes undeclared, invisible, hybrid. How will a city, its appearance and functions...

refereed articles

  • The article focuses on the city as a visual discourse. This topic was previously studied in the article “Invisible Moscow” (Salmin, 2018). The impact of the war on the concepts of visibility / invisibility of the city and their relationship is analyzed from the point of view of mytho-ritual practices. Inversions of the visible and invisible are considered in the context of evolution of the city's symbolism under the influence of the military threats.

  • The article is devoted to the complex of Irkutsk cadet corps (school), which was unreasonably withdrawn from the list of monuments of regional significance and the State Register of Cultural Heritage Sites by the Service for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Irkutsk Region. Disagreeing with the opinion of officials, the authors reveal the historical and cultural potential of this ensemble and prove its historical, memorial, town-planning, architectural, landscape and
    recreational value.

  • The article presents the results of the qualification work “Renovation of the territory of Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering School with the development of a fragment of the military gymnasium complex in Irkutsk”. The historical context, urban planning and space location of the university campus and techniques are described. They allow increasing the density of buildings and pedestrian accessibility of infrastructure facilities, which makes the urban environment more comfortable. The definition of renovation and its main characteristics are given.

  • Basing on the analysis of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) and the legislative context of their development and approval, the post-reform history of the standardization of architectural education is viewed with the focus on the transformation of a qualification portrait of an architect as a set of the architect’s qualification characteristics. The article traces the evolution of standards of the last decade, the “age of FSES”. The national FSES of the bachelor degree of the “generation 3++” is compared with the UIA international standard of an architect. The author makes a...

  • Elena Bulgakova, Larisa Petrova, Olga Shulginova

    The article covers the concept of technopark in higher educational institutions in the framework of the programs of adaptation of educational institutions to innovation forms of education. Knowledge about the subject is concretized on the basis of the study of the features of the technopark in the facility of the holding group MFUA - MITU-MACI. The authors describe the architectural solution for the technopark in the context of scientific activities on the elaboration of architectural solutions, advisory and rule-making activities.

  • The article presents the design and research work of the authors and first-year architecture students of Irkutsk National Research Technical University concerning compositional study of lost temples of Irkutsk with the reconstruction of their architectural appearance. The illustrative material was prepared using the students’ works. The complex of Siberian Baroque temples in Irkutsk in the mid-18th – late 19th centuries and various types of church buildings were studied. The work uses modeling as a tool for predicting the architectural appearance of the temple. Sketch drawings and models...

  • The lack of recommendations for establishment of a sustainable architectural environment at Lake Baikal predetermines a haphazard approach to territory development. The growing tourist flow increases anthropogenic environmental loads. These issues require the development of the necessary architectural tools for the implementation of local projects. The article focuses on the particular properties of the spatial solutions for detached houses with public functions.

  • This article discusses and analyzes the material relating to the life and creative activity of the former graduates of Harbin Institute of Technology, who came to Australia. The author analyzes the content of materials of all 17 journal issues published in 1969-2004. Examples of works by graduates of HIT who came to live in Russia, Europe, Australia and America are given; their memories about the institute, about the teachers and the educational process are analyzed. In particular, the author talks about five commemorative editions of Polytechnic devoted to the anniversaries of the HIT...