Editorial material

  • People have always built temples. Their diversity is infinite. Majestic cathedrals and mosques made of eternal stones neighbor a cardboard cathedral built by Pritzker laureate Shigeru Ban after the earthquake in New Zealand. Avantgarde experiments of new religions emerging in front of our eyes and no less surprising experiences of Catholic temples are side by side with an age-long strong tradition of Orthodox churches.

    After seventy years of gap thousands of temples of different confessions have been built and restored in the post-Soviet area. This issue includes projects of new...


  • The main difference between a temple and any other religious structure is that the former has an altar and a function of offering sacrifices. For thousands of years people have been offering various substances. The simplest sacrifices, like food or possessions, fragments of one’s own body or human lives gave way to more complex and symbolic ones as the civilization evolved. People offered individuality, logic, common sense, lifestyle etc. Architectural features, structure and appearance of a temple are also formed according to characteristics of sacrifices. The temple of the 21st century...

  • In the article architectural ideas of space and time are connected with radical changes in the world views, historical and perpetual, transcendental and radical. It is a paradoxical comeback of Christian Renaissance culture to pagan Roman and Greek antiquity from its recent achievements denied in gothic architecture. Avant-garde in 20th century did even more radical attempt to tie prehistoric past and futuristic utopia in radical architectural forms.

    Today we approach a new revolutionary change of space and time concepts coming to the end of modernism and global disillusions of...

  • In the modern Russia almost every secular excursion is starting to resemble a religious pilgrimage, while reducing itself to a visit to Orthodox monasteries and temples. A lot of stories are told about saints and their actions, an unconcealed religious propaganda is carried on, and the history of the country is presented in a cleric-monarchical manner.

  • Traditionalism of temple architecture gives the society a “link of times” and a necessary sense of deep historical perspective. An architect does not have a right to design religious structures using his own discretion or philosophy. The sphere of innovations in temple architecture is rather limited. It mostly refers to decorations complying with the dominant styles or trends. The volumetric and spatial structure of religious buildings cannot be changed by an architect apart from the religious paradigm.

  • The tale of the rebuilding of the Pauluskerk (St. Paul’s Church) in the Dutch city of Rotterdam is a multilayered story that blurs the lines between architecture, societal issues, policymaking and urban redevelopment.

    The original Pauluskerk was built in the late 1950s in a city centre that was still recovering from the damage it suffered during the Second World War. The church may never have received the attention it has were it not for Reverend Visser, who developed the church into a refuge for the outcasts of Dutch society: asylum seekers, homeless people and drug addicts....

  • Статья рассказывает о своеобразии природного Красноярского урочища и сохранении подлинной исторической романтики большого города на великой реке с традициями деревянного и храмового зодчества, сбережении настоящего культурного наследия.

  • The article deals with the history and architecture of the Belarusian city of Grodno, one of the ancient cities built up at the intersection of diverse cultures. It provides extensive historical materials on the city and its most outstanding buildings. The author’s personal impressions and photos enliven the text.

  • The article reveals an architectural phenomenon of “Siberian Baroque” on the example of the Irkutsk temples built in the 18th century. It shows peculiarities of this variation and its occurrence in the composition and decoration of temples. There were two levels of local architectural interpretation of Baroque (professional and folk levels) that affected the formation of this unique style. Architectural and art features of the Irkutsk temples are described with reference to economic, political and cultural life of the city of that period.

  • Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is a great grandmother of all Christian temples. The Muslim period of its history brought a lot of architectural additions and alterations. But none of the latest changes has come close to the highest standards of Byzantine architects.

Short reviews


  • Konstantin Lidin, Elena Grigoryeva, Sergey Demkov, Alexei Chertilov, Alexei Buinov, Tatyana Vedernikova, Lyutsian Antipin


    Sketch Redesign of the Sverdlovsky Market in Irkutsk "Glazkovo Shopping Arcade"

    Church of Sts. Apostles Peter and Pavel in Irkutsk – a Rare Monument of Architecture in Pribaikalie

    Redesign of the Church of Sts. Peter and Pavel in Irkutsk

    St. Nicholas and St. Innokenty Temple in Irkutsk

    Redesign of St. Nicholas and St. Innokenty Church

    Railway Station Building

    Projects of the Railway Station and the Hotel Facilities

  • Konstantin Lidin, Elena Grigoryeva, Sergey Chumakov, Lyubov Makogon


    Leonid Gaidai's House

    Development of Gaidai Boulevard

    Extension of East-Siberian Railway School-Lyceum №42 on Profsoyuznaya Street

    Administration and Amenity Building

    Ponton Bridge

    Habitable Bridge in Irkutsk. Term Theses

  • Konstantin Lidin, Elena Grigoryeva, Vitali Baryshnikov, Sergey Karpov, Andrei Bolshakov


    Development Plan for the Northern Part of the Sverdlovsky District in Irkutsk

    The Glazkovsky Necropolis in Irkutsk: an Archaeological Monument of Global Importance

    Sketch Design of Water and Health Complex on the Territory of the Park of the Paris Commune in Irkutsk

    Sketch of the Master Plan and Zoning of the Park of the Paris Commune in Irkutsk

    The Sports Axis of the Left Bank of Irkutsk. Reconstruction of the Sports Complex "Locomotive"

    Museum and Conservation Complex "Glazkovsky Necropolis"