Editorial material

  • Elena Grigoryeva

    Health is obviously a crucial and complex subject. Urban environment should become healthier, especially in the context of the growing life expectancy of the population. But what in particular does this imperative mean and how can we apply it to architecture and town planning?
    During the preparation of this issue, the Discussion Club of PB gathered two times, in Irkutsk and in Moscow, to discuss the subject of HEALTH. The complex nature of the problem became even more obvious. In the minds of architects, even high-level professionals, the notions of health of urban environment,...

  • Elena Grigoryeva, Konstantin Lidin

    What is happening to architecture?
    For several decades, starting from the publication of Hundertwasser’s Manifesto, we have heard: “Architecture is seriously ill. Architecture is going to die”. Many prominent voices are already singing for the repose of its soul.
    In the past, architecture experienced the highest rises. Classical antiquity, mature Middle Ages, Modern and Constructivism – during those periods architecture acquired the best things produced by science, art and craft. It took from science a precise problem statement, logic and succession of methods, as well as...

  • The participants of the discussion spoke about many aspects of a healthy life in the city. They featured town-planning, psychological and medical issues of health. They touched upon changes in the city master plan and the principles of its elaboration, urban green areas and the impact of civil society and public discussions on the strategy of city development.

  • The discussion “A Healthy City” united participants from different professional spheres. They tried to define the scope of the notion of healthy urban environment and touched upon the notions of psychological health of the urban environment and the relationship of the ideas of comfort, health and happiness of citizens. The participants admitted the necessity of reaching the balance between a healthy lifestyle and a desire for passive comfort and hypodynamia. They spoke about the possibility to create architecture, which major priority is health, as well as peculiarities of training...

  • Architecture of resorts and hospitals is a crucial aspect of health in the city. There are a lot of open questions. People bring their diseases to resorts and hospitals. So what emotional charge should architecture of such buildings carry? What is the best way to use unique prerequisites provided by nature of the Black Sea region, Altai and Mountain Shoria? This time, the object of the issue is the first building of the Medical Cluster in Skolkovo worked out by Asadov architectural bureau.

News items

  • The news section announces the signing of the UIA SDG Dhaka Declaration and the winners of the KFAS design competition (Kuwait). It also invites architecture students to take part in the eighth edition of the 2019 UIA-HYP Cup.

Items about an individual

  • Mark Meerovich proposed a model of Soviet history of architecture and town-planning based on the principles of Georgy Petrovich Shchedrovitsky’s activity theory. Georgy Petrovich’s students used these principles as a baseline for articulation of the issue and handling of the situation. That is why the analysis of the Soviet housing legislation, which defines the character of solutions and the activity on different levels, enabled Mark Meerovich to see architectural and
    town-planning problems from another point of view. He formulated a holistic concept of Soviet principles of...

  • The article reviews the methodological aspect of Mark Grigorievich Meerovich’s creative legacy. It shows the evolution of the scientist’s views, from V. A. Pavlov’s practical school, through G. P. Shchedrovitsky’s circle and Foucault’s mainstream historiosophical tradition. During the last years of his life, M. G. Meerovich started implementation of a fundamental work on updating of interdisciplinary methodological basis of architecture. His sudden death terminated this substantial and promising work.

  • Alongside with his teaching and research activity, Mark Meerovich practiced design. At first he designed interiors of flats, houses and small public buildings. Maybe such practice was caused by the necessity to earn extra money: his research activity was not enough to maintain his family. However, Mark brought inspiration into everything he did. It also concerned interiors: they were recognized by the most sophisticated esthetes. This experience was also reflected in his articles – a brilliant series “Philosophy of the Interior” was created together with Konstantin Lidin and published in...

Short articles

  • The author describes how people leave Krasnoyarsk and move to other regions. The author attributes the migration from Siberia to the bad ecological situation in the region. The author points out that the health values prevail over the career values and radically define the life choice.


  • The article is devoted to “Transformation”, a new plein-air sculpture by D. Namdakov. It describes the symbolics of the sculpture, its penetration into the contemporary mentality and its location on the territory of Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk. The article points out its originality and continuity of traditions. It speaks about the eclecticity of contemporary artistic perception and the diversity of interpretations of the artistic spirit of the sculpture.

  • The notion of health is viewed as a degree of resistance of the human internal environment to external influences. The authors propose an idea of emotionally healthy urban environment that provides a wider and well-balanced emotional spectrum. The trend for one or another architectural style causes predominance of certain emotions and thus hinders formation of a healthy environment. The impact of trends is illustrated by means of an example of Leroy Merlin catalogues.

  • The article is devoted to the historical impact of plague epidemics on the life of such type of settlements as the city. The plague is considered not so much as a medical and sanitary-technical problem as a transtemporal cultural text related to the phenomena of the city’s social destruction, including nowadays. The article features the phenomenon of today’s “information plague”, which is spreading among present-day citizens at a speed of medieval plague fleas due to mobile means of communication and the Internet.

  • The article tells about Stalin’s housing reforms in the USSR in the late 1920s and early 1930s and their results. The case studies of Magnitogorsk and Stalinsk (Kuznetsk) show the formation of the structure of new urban settlements. The division of the Soviet urban planning into the official and unofficial branches is analyzed. The first one designed stone apartment houses for the Soviet elite of different levels. The second one created industrial workers’ settlements, which consisted of communal barracks.

  • In the period of Soviet industrialization (1920-1940s), Sotsgorod new developments were often erected from scratch – in steppe, taiga or the desert. Their workforce recruitment was impossible without large-scale housing. Barracks were the first truly mass housing to be built in Sozgorod new developments in the industrialization period. They were a mass phenomenon providing a roof for about 80-90% of the population of industrial settlements.

  • The article considers a “healthy city” as a limited concept, which is irrelevant to the tasks of urban development. It features the conditions in the field of knowledge and ideas, where the idea of the “healthy city” can turn into another manipulation tool. The article analyses the category of “place”, which is the focus of today’s discourse, as well as suggests some proposals for the development of the given field.

  • Studying the prospects of the colour phenomenon for the formation of the livable environment necessitates consideration of the integrity of the space of colour effect, including the biological colour behavior; intended Ra-therapy / chromotherapy; permanent polychromy of the environment constantly influencing the human organism; involvement of chromaticity in the ideas of livability of the environment and a healthy lifestyle; as well as the necessity of permanent monitoring in the constantly changing conditions of the reality.

  • The idea of the city’s health is usually associated with greenery. Everybody calls for parks, gardens, street landscaping, but the declarations are not consistent with the reality. Urban greenery is treated cruelly. Being considered a cure-all solution by many architects, “green architecture” is like a fig leaf, which covers the crisis of architecture.

  • Nikolai Dubynin, Tatyana Bobkova, Vasili Dubynin, Ariadna Panova

    The article analyses the problems of ecology and realization of sanitary-epidemiological requirements in construction, which play a significant role in the development of urban planning. It used such methods as studying current works in the given field and revealing practical examples of provision of sanitary-epidemiological security. As a result, the article brings up forward-looking proposals on elaboration of standards necessary for ecological and sanitary-epidemiological security of cities, taking into account the previous design and building experience and the traditions of national...

  • The article reviews the formation of the Sochi resort, the peculiarities of urban development of the Sochi resort agglomeration. It points out the historical role of architecture experts, academicians of the USSR Academy of Architecture in the formation of its architectural image. The article touches upon the problems of degradation of the historical environment and its safety in the context of excessive urbanization and imperfection of legislative regulation of the development of the resort with peculiar natural and climate conditions. The article poses a question about the object of...

  • The article presents the history of the formation and development of the resort «Belokurikha» and its current state with the emphasis on evaluation of the features of the architectonics of the place. The article describes the trends of territorial planning associated with the further development of the resort, which has high quality mountain recreational landscapes, attractive properties of natural landscapes, polystyle architecture and the identical cultural code inherent in this place.

Short reviews


  • Active intellectual work is done in the field of architecture in Irkutsk: Vladimir Pavlov, probably the most prominent master of Soviet Modernism, realized his projects here; his apprentices work here; and Project Baikal journal is also published here (editor-in-chief – Elena Grigoryeva). The journal has become one of the best architectural periodicals in Russia. It often publishes polemics, which is the journal’s policy. The authors of the journal are not afraid to debate and to express challenging opinions. The historical and theoretical researches carried out by Konstantin Lidin and...

  • Project Baikal journal, one of the best architectural journals in Russia, has published its 60th issue. It has been indexed in SCOPUS since 2019. The authors of the journal (E. Grigoryeva, editor-in-chief, Konstantin Lidin, Alexander Rappaport, Georgi Stanishev, Ilya Lezhava, Mark Meerovich, Marina Tkacheva etc.) publish their polemical articles concerning the most topical issues of architectural theory and practice.

  • The article analyzes 58 issues of Project Baikal journal. It provides a historical excurse to the foundation of the journal and tells about certain sections and authors. It features the level of graphic materials and transformation of printed editions. The analysis reveals the scientific value of the materials contributed by famous authors. The article points out a growing interest among architects and other specialists in submitting scientific and research papers.

  • Valeria Nujansina, Alexandra Kostrubova, Anastasia Kosolapova, Danil Arefev, Margarita Arustamyan, Luigi Barraza Cárdenas, Otakar Bursa, Julian Gelsenlichter, Nikita Verma, Ekaterina Gladkova, Odysseas Deutsch, Svetlana Ilicheva, Kseniia Kalashnikova, Ninad Katdare, Polina Kirienko, Clara Krehl, Chang Liu, Laura Mrosla, Yulia Nikiforova, Shruti Pandit, Jahongir Pirov, Valeria Tolkacheva, Serra Utkum Ikiz, Noura Fattouh, Mohamed Magdi Hagras, Irina Chelpanova, Kirill Shabalin, Shweta Shirke, Chris Steenhuis, Fabian Egle, Michal Jablonowski

    The article tells about the strategy of Winter University of Urban Planning and the characteristics of Winter University of Urban Planning 2019, as well as the experts, pilots and participants of the workshop. The practice-oriented approach of the workshop and the value of the campus have made the Winter University a platform for interesting discussions and innovative proposals.

  • The article describes the potential threats of the changes in the sustainability of the ecological system of lake Baikal which have resulted from the industrial activities of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. In this urban planning project, it is proposed to create the technopolis on this basis. It is an eco-innovation cluster that is focused on the commercialization of innovative ecological developments in the Baikal Region. It aims to improve the efficiency of the scientific
    potential of Eastern Siberia.

  • The article describes the development of the Sheregesh Ski Resort and the proposals for the improvement of the territory. It points out the necessity of creating a common milieu favourable for tourists, as well as the importance of transport and pedestrian links of the existing built-up area. A complex resort town project is proposed.

  • Alexander Asadov, Andrey Asadov, Lyubov Petrenko

    The medical cluster, as an integral part of Skolkovo, tests modern approaches and formats in the field of medicine. It combines medical treatment, education and scientific activity. Our task was to put all this functions in a new quality architecture.