Джозеф Майкл Гэнди. Здания сэра Джона Соуна. 1818. Представление об архитекторском сознании как заполненном образами прошлого чулане – классика модернистской критики
Prototypes without design?


  • Petr Kapustin Architectural Design at Voronezh State Technical University




“design without prototypes”, architectural tradition, avant-garde, theory of architecture, methodology of design, prototype in architecture and design


The problematics of succession and innovations in architecture cannot be discussed beyond the prototype category. It is a key category for the history of architecture, which has been perceived positively for thousands of years. But in the 20th century prototypes began to be considered obsolete; avant-garde was focused on the complete refusal of them. In the second half of the 20th century the methodology of design tried to find a theoretical basis for the struggle against the prototypes. Have the prototypes been defeated? Should we fight against them? These are the questions that arise after reading “Design without prototypes”, a theoretical work by A. G. Rappaport, which was written 45 years ago.


How to Cite

Kapustin, P. (2021). Prototypes without design?. Project Baikal, 17(66), 68–75. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.66.1720





refereed articles

Author Biography

Petr Kapustin, Architectural Design at Voronezh State Technical University

Ph.D. in Architecture, professor, head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Architectural Design at Voronezh State Technical University


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