Editorial material

  • The topic of this issue is “Banks”. The notion of bank has many meanings and contradictions. It is a border, a margin, an edge, behind which there is something unknown. But a bank is also a link, a threshold that is crossed by something new. The current condition of architecture (both as a profession and philosophy) is generally perceived like this: we find ourselves on a bank beyond which the familiar ends and the unknown begins.

    A prominent architectural theorist and methodologist, Alexander Rappaport celebrates his anniversary this year. To convey anniversary greetings to one...

  • Elena Grigoryeva, Alexander Rappaport, Konstantin Lidin, Elena Bagina

News items

Items about an individual

  • The theory of architecture is in crisis today: very few people discuss theoretical texts, because very few people read them. A. G. Rappaport in his works of theoretical architecture tries to prepare ‘the collective unconscious of the profession’ to a global breakthrough in thinking and practice. He believes that professional reflection will come across the problems which are now alien to professional consciousness.

  • The 23rd of October 2016 is Alexander Gerbertovich Rappaport’s 75th anniversary. He has made a great contribution to formation of a new paradigm of architecture. Within seven years he has published more than two thousand articles on theory of architecture and art in his blog “The Tower and the Labyrinth”. The blog as a new format of theoretical work involves theorists and practicing architects who care about the future of architecture.


  • Those who consider themselves architects disapprove of the statements about destruction of the subject of architectural culture, profession and of the subject of architectural theory. At the same time, a deep crisis of both theory and practice is obvious. When theorists of architecture of the 20th and early 21st centuries turned to the subjects external to architecture – sociology, psychology, semiotics, ecology, post-structuralist criticism, etc., instead of enriching and renovating the architectural theory, the results were just the opposite. A brand new and independent paradigm of...

  • The relations between a waterfront and a city structure are viewed historically. The author gives examples of both positive and negative attitudes of city-planners towards sea and river waterfronts. The author makes a hypothesis that a positive modality of perception of the waterfront encourages a kind and friendly atmosphere in the city.

  • There is nothing stronger than stone, but it can be broken by the flow of time and by the flow of water, which proves to be a more reliable storage of memory than the stone. Storage is a process in time. In stone, this process relates to unchangeability of the crystalline substance, to constancy. Water, however, is always in the process of recovery and movement. Neurophysiologists came to the conclusion that memory of living organisms is embodied in recovery processes, but not in untransformable substances. The main material in these processes is water.

    Water running over the...

  • The article continues the theme of integrating architecture and nature started in the previous issue (PB49). The place preservation principle is defined, and the history of formation and the contemporary state of ideas, practices and concepts based on this principle are presented. The article reviews the international and national experience of using this principle. It analyses the conceptual projects of a new type of housing based on the biocenosis regeneration principle.

  • The article presents the design of the new embankment Lisikha in Irkutsk. The architectural-artistic appearance of the embankment reflects a legend about a fox. The article describes principal town-planning, architectural and technical solutions for the future embankment.

  • The article features the architects’ architectural and town-planning credo, views and experience demonstrated in the concept of the public-recreational environment of Krasnoyarsk. It can be properly realized only through the dialogue between the power, business representatives, architects and municipal communities. It is concluded that a high-quality urban environment is possible only if the interests of different social groups, communities and each citizen are considered in an integrated manner, in relation to the current urban processes and the city’s architectural and spatial...

  • Darya Kremleva, Elena Grigoryeva

    The article presents the basic concepts of the project on creation of the zone of advanced economic growth “Tomsk embankments” in Tomsk. Disconnected territories in the center of the city containing a lot of slum houses, industrial, household and warehouse facilities are united through the system of public spaces that opens the city toward the river. A modern and good-quality level of territorial development is provided by reinterpretation of functionality and the use of platforms for formation of “new territories” in the interdam space. The first impression of the city is created by a...

  • In 2014 our office rethink worked together with the office Labgrad, Saint Petersburg, on a development strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Republic of Tatarstan is crossed by two large and mythic rivers – the Volga and the Kama - and is generally divided by a dense network of river valleys. Today, cities worldwide rediscover their waterfronts and take advantage of their waterfront position to differentiate and to attract residents, jobs and investments in international competition. In our study we set a focus on the potential of the Volga and the Kama River space to become a...

  • The article refers to the history of design of the Moscow Palace of Young Pioneers architectural complex on Leninskie (now Vorobievy) Gory viewed in the context of evolution of the national architecture. While speaking about how the project came into being and which way was chosen to find the architectural character, the author proves that the Palace was a pivotal point in the history of Russian architecture and became one of the symbols of Soviet Modernism.

  • The article deals with the issues of building of modern university campuses through the example of a new campus of Vienna University of Economics and Business – a successful project that facilitates the improvement of education quality and provides conditions for harmonious development of the individual.

Short reviews

  • The architectural concept of the building was formed gradually, in the process of overcoming of this or that standard regulating construction of kindergartens. The territory remained after development was not enough for providing each group with a playground. That is why the playgrounds are partially located on accessible roofs. It defined a distinctive outlook of the building: its both wings are terraced and resemble decks of a ship. The flow-through verandas on the earth and on the roof with small toylike houses integrate the main building and its ground into a single community.

  • The article features the main areas of focus within the Architectural Planning Department of Irkutsk National Research State Technical University related to designing of new museums for towns in Priangarie. Several student projects elaborated for Irkutsk, Malta, Khuzhir and Listvyanka are described. The article also presents the contents of architectural student competitions and scientific events on this topic. The relation between construction of museums and development of tourism in the towns is considered. The article comes to the conclusion that building of new museums in Irkutsk...

  • The poem “Architecture” by Joseph Brodsky was commented on by Alexander Rappaport, Konstantin Lidin and Elena Bagina. The poem deserves to be studied at all architectural schools and to be learnt by heart by future architects; and the problems touched upon in this poem deserve to be thought about by architectural theorists. This poem is a quintessence of the contemporary theoretical thought about architecture. It raises such themes as time and memory, space, place and substance. It also speaks about ideal geometric shapes in architecture and dynamics of architectural forms. Architectural...

  • The poem “Architecture” by Joseph Brodsky was commented on by Alexander Rappaport, Konstantin Lidin and Elena Bagina. The poem deserves to be studied at all architectural schools and to be learnt by heart by future architects; and the problems touched upon in this poem deserve to be thought about by architectural theorists. This poem is a quintessence of the contemporary theoretical thought about architecture. It raises such themes as time and memory, space, place and substance. It also speaks about ideal geometric shapes in architecture and dynamics of architectural forms. Architectural...

  • The poem “Architecture” by Joseph Brodsky was commented on by Alexander Rappaport, Konstantin Lidin and Elena Bagina. The poem deserves to be studied at all architectural schools and to be learnt by heart by future architects; and the problems touched upon in this poem deserve to be thought about by architectural theorists. This poem is a quintessence of the contemporary theoretical thought about architecture. It raises such themes as time and memory, space, place and substance. It also speaks about ideal geometric shapes in architecture and dynamics of architectural forms. Architectural...

  • The article refers to the history of the International Architectural Festival “Eco-Shore” – a unique international project on ecological,
    architectural, town-planning and design comprehension and development of the waterside space of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. It also reviews the results of the Festival “Eco-Shore 2016” held in Baku.

  • The article features the present-day problems of small rivers in Irkutsk and reviews the international experience of using riverfronts and the existing programs of their rehabilitation.

  • Alexander Mikhailov, Leonid Glebko, Olga Zheleznyak
