Editorial material

  • During the time of total standard expansion the architects, except those few working for the institutions of standard engineering, were not involved in housing design. There was no need to engage many architects, taking into account stable standard regulations of the types 445 (according to the number of habitable rooms) of flats. Working out of individual projects was ordered by Moscow and bore exclusive nature. The professional school was degrading. Then, all of a sudden, the state monopoly collapsed, and the building business was filled by a flow of unskilled employees, who now have...

News items

  • cобытия

    Иркутские страсти по Колчаку

    Архитектурная династия Бальян

    XXII Всемирный конгресс по архитектуре «МСА-2005 Стамбул». Анонс

    Метаморфозы: В. Кандинский в Мюнхене

    «Золотая капитель»: эпизод девятый

    V Межрегиональный архитектурный фестиваль «Зодчество Восточной Сибири-2005». Анонс


    Подглядывая за будущим в щелку спальни (философия интерьера спальни в эпоху гедонизма)



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Short articles

Articles (before 2013)