Editorial material - Редакционный материал
Во времена тотальной типовой экспансии архитекторы, за исключением узкого круга работавших в институтах типового проектирования, были отлучены от проектирования жилья. Держать в рамках малоподвижного нормативного регламента 445 типов (по количеству жилых комнат) квартир много архитекторов не требовалось. Разработка индивидуальных проектов повелевалась Москвой и имела исключительный характер. Профессиональная школа деградировала. Теперь вдруг государственная монополия обрушилась, и в строительный бизнес хлынул поток неподготовленных кадров, которым на собственном опыте придется учиться и...
News items - Новостной материал
Иркутские страсти по Колчаку
Архитектурная династия Бальян
XXII Всемирный конгресс по архитектуре «МСА-2005 Стамбул». Анонс
Метаморфозы: В. Кандинский в Мюнхене
«Золотая капитель»: эпизод девятый
V Межрегиональный архитектурный фестиваль «Зодчество Восточной Сибири-2005». Анонс
Подглядывая за будущим в щелку спальни (философия интерьера спальни в эпоху гедонизма)
Стремительный рывок (о творчестве Даши...
Short articles - Краткие статьи
Brian Spencer, AIA / IAA is a registered architect with 32 years of experience. He has worked domestically throughout the United States, as well as internationally in Europe and the Pacific Rim…
Spencer is one of only five American architects elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Architecture & Construction Sciences. He is both Professor and Academician in the International Academy of Architecture in Sofia, Bulgaria and serves on its' Academic Council.
And he was also elected Honorary Visiting Professor at the Politechnika Gdanska in Gdansk, Poland. Brian is...
Adopting the African village configuration, the design of each estate is revolved around the pool, which is an anchor point with the rooms on each side.
Each estate is a collection of special purpose pavilions within its garden.
Privacy and a sense of isolation is the design. The choice to interact with neighbours is exercised by each tenant, and is not the result of inadvertent proximity.
The indoor becoming the outdoor, with the outdoor being within the Estate, is the intention; a oneness with the environment, with both the built up and the natural leading.
Articles (before 2013) - Статьи
Why there is a tendency not to build the objects, which are in great demand?
Mostly people prefer not very big single- or two-room flats, having decent 50-70 square meters area. But the apartments in newly-erected buildings generally consist of four, five and more rooms and have two levels of 100, 200 and more square meters.
Why the construction is so erratic? Why and what for the tight «planting» of cast-in-place wireframe high-rise buildings adjoins vast abandoned lots?
Who needs absurd and uncomfortable design to dominate in the newly-built flats? Incongruous...