Editorial material

  • I love it more consciously,

    I love it more dearly -

    This bright generation

    Hardened severely…

    Yuri Levitansky

    These words said by a sixtier poet were addressed to another generation, that was born in the time of the Great Russian revolutions, as the new history textbooks begin to call it. The 20s and the 60s also correlate in architecture: the time of hope, romance and avant-garde. Brave ideas, internationalism and sociality, and attempt at freedom.

    New genres and subcultures appeared: tourists and hiking (214), bard...

  • Having come from the capitals to Irkutsk in the late 50s – early 60s, those foplings, idealists, maximalists and daydreamers started a new stage full of brave ideas and incredible realizations.

    There is a popular belief that the architecture of the 1960s is not architecture at all. Forced to be ascetic, this architecture is often unphotogenic. Nowadays it suffers from advertisements, signs and alterations; sometimes it is utterly distorted being wrapped in shining foil of modern materials to satisfy a new owner.

    The editorial staff’s task was to return authors to the...

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