

  • Elena Grigoryeva



While speaking about the young generation it is necessary to touch on the topic of architectural education again. The experience of working in university attestation commissions reveals that practicing architects and professors are very much unrelated (Andrei Bokov, 27). It is architectural school that is to be especially sensitive to new things. New ideas and new approaches. New strategy and responsibility for the planet’s future. It should “grow into a cult of serving the life on the Earth and a cult of the Earth itself as the basis for this life” (Alexander Rappaport, 25).

Youngsters and education, fathers and sons, books and the net (Konstantin Lidin, 18) How not to get lost in the net of transformations and how to get through the reform disturbances without losses? Humor helps pass through the turbulence zone (Andrei Nekrasov, 34, 44).

Foreign experience and methods will be helpful in search of the way. In Germany, in view of the globalization and chronic unemployment, the students are already prepared for practicing not only in Europe, but in Africa and Asia, where the cities do not shrink but rapidly grow, becoming megapolises and providing architects with lots of work (Barbara Engel, 70).

Yuri Gnedovski’s jubilee fell on the peak of the hot summer. PROJECT BAIKAL joins to greetings and gives him the coolness of his favorite lake (12)…

The Festival “Zodchestvo of Eastern Siberia” founded 10 years ago is intended to be a mirror of architecture and town-planning of Eastern Siberia. Again it seems that this mirror does not flatter us (113-147).

We hope for the youngsters…

How to Cite

Grigoryeva, E. (2010). youngsters. Project Baikal, 7(25), 1–1.





Editorial material

Author Biography

Elena Grigoryeva

corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS), vice-president of the Union of Architects of Russia, director of the RAACS East-Siberian Academcenter, laureate of the Russian Federation State Prize