On undying classicism and subverters of foundations


  • Elena Bagina Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin




directions (styles), classicism, classics, classicist thinking, futurism, postmodernism, contemporary art


Directions (styles) in culture have different reserves of strength and different inertia. Among them there is a unique one capable of revival. It is classicism, which is characterized by a timeless understanding of the laws of harmony and beauty based on the forms and images of ancient art of Greece and Rome. Classicist thinking and classicism did not leave European culture in the 20th and 21st centuries, but its forms changed. The grafting of art nouveau, avant-garde and postmodernism into classical art and architecture did not pass without a trace. Antagonists shook the established norms and left, while classical art and architecture expanded the range of creative possibilities and revived, preserving the basic principles.

How to Cite

Bagina, E. (2024). On undying classicism and subverters of foundations. Project Baikal, 21(79), 96–103. https://doi.org/10.51461/issn.2309-3072/77.2294





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