Metamorphoses: Transformations as a discourse of development and a form of life




transformations, metamorphosis, ambivalence, architecture, city, transitions, “centaurs”, hybrid environments, mimicries


“Transformations” as the essence of Ovidian metamorphoses are one of the forms of life, the purpose and potentiality of the world’s development. Ambivalence often serves as a kind of stimulus for the emergence of metamorphoses or their basis. The ambivalent potential of the world provokes the expansion of transformations/metamorphoses. “Transformations” represent current trends in architecture and design, including transformations of objects and environments; the emergence of peculiar “architectural centaurs” and hybrid environments; imitations and mimicking facades/environments.

How to Cite

Zheleznyak, O. (2024). Metamorphoses: Transformations as a discourse of development and a form of life. Project Baikal, 21(79), 22–29.





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