Contradictions in the development of architecture science


  • Marina Dymchenko Донской государственный технический университет
  • Svetlana Kurilova Don State Technical University



architectural form, dialogue, ontological basis of architecture, self-awareness, modernism, science of architecture, language of architecture


The aim of the research is to study the formation of the ontological foundations of the science of architecture as an experience of its self-consciousness in the context of the evolution of spatial codes of cultural experience. The article considers contradictions of the modernist definition of architectural form, as well as the formation of the scientific discourse of architecture and the identity of architects’ professional thinking in general. The main hypothesis is based on the thesis that the freely historically unfolding evolution of architectural form is an objective experience of consolidating the self-consciousness of architecture as a text of its immanent expression and self-reference. The authors specify the limitations of the scientific functionalist discourse, which do not allow forming the internal basis for an autoreferential image of the architectural reality. Problematization of the ontological foundations of the science of architecture is a necessary link in the evolution of the methodology of architectural thinking and form making in post-industrial society.

How to Cite

Dymchenko, M., & Kurilova, S. (2023). Contradictions in the development of architecture science. Project Baikal, 20(78), 51–55.





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