The nonlinearity of development and its linear projections


  • Petr Kapustin Voronezh State Technical University



development, nonlinearity, line, future, modernity, simultaneous and successive in architecture, design schemes


The article deals with the “nature" of development, the paradigm of which, unlike the growth, is non-linear. However, the predominant projection of ideas of development (expansion), including projections on a map, is still the line in its various drawings.
Thinking in lines is not harmless: it can reduce a significant content of development ideas; at the level of plans (which are always linear), it can transfer the intension of development into a sequence of emasculated actions. The article emphasizes a special type of spatial consciousness and discourse, which generates the ideas of “linear cities”, large-scale linear projects (New Silk Road, etc.). It talks about the possibilities and conditions of a different conceptualization of such ideas.

How to Cite

Kapustin, P. (2022). The nonlinearity of development and its linear projections. Project Baikal, 19(72), 36–45.





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