Digitalization, digitization of the world and “digital detox”




digitalization, digitization, digital architecture, media art, “digital detox”, media asceticism


The complexity of the digitalization phenomenon and its correlation with digitization processes, description of their role and significance in the artistic and design sphere, lack of study of consequences and potential risks require more detailed research of the problem to understand the specifics of the ongoing changes and the situation in general, making addressing the topic extremely relevant. The problem space is presented through the discourses of digitalization as a part of the life of the contemporary world, digitization of reality as an invariable component of digital transformations; through the description of the specifics of digital culture (architecture, design and art), as well as the threats of digital society and the need for “digital detox”.

How to Cite

Zheleznyak, O. (2022). Digitalization, digitization of the world and “digital detox”. Project Baikal, 19(71), 92–99.





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