Urban cybernotopics





alternative, paradigm shift, linearity, nonlinearity, interactions, complex adaptive system, cybernotopics


The current linear model of global development is irrational: it is accompanied by clusters of global cyclic crises (economic, environmental, military, political). The western urban planning school cannot offer a way out of the unprecedented crisis of the
industrial civilization because it is built on a linear subject-centered picture of the world, which object of study consists in attributive
characteristics (properties) of individual items. Postindustrial development of our country requires a new paradigm of urban development – cybernotopics, which is built upon a nonlinear world view, using outstanding achievements of the school of Russian
cosmism based on topocentrism, where the object of study includes qualitative properties of space and the whole.

How to Cite

Gaevskaya, Z. (2023). Urban cybernotopics. Project Baikal, 19(74), 96–102. https://doi.org/10.51461/pb.74.17





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