Ivan Leonidov's Institute of Statistics (1929–1930)


  • Petr Zavadovsky Moscow Architectural Institute




I. I. Leonidov, constructivism, Institute of Statistics, Narkomtyazhprom


The article is about the unpublished project of I. I. Leonidov, whose facades are found in the collection of the Pompidou Center. The project of the years of Leonidov's creative apogee significantly complements our understanding of the evolution of the architect's creativity. In addition to describing and evaluating the reliability of available materials, the project is placed in the context of both Leonidov's work and Soviet architecture of the 1930s in general.

How to Cite

Zavadovsky, P. (2021). Ivan Leonidov’s Institute of Statistics (1929–1930). Project Baikal, 18(69), 86–91. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.69.1857





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