эроснимок восточного Байлмера. Источник: Архив г. Амстердам /  Aerial photo Bijlmer East. Source: Stadsarchief Amsterdam
Sixties High-rise in Holland: success and failure





Bijlmer, Bijlmermeer, Ommoord, high-rise, honeycomb, urban fabric, access-balcony flat, galerijflat, Siegfried Nassuth, Lotte Stam-Beese


During the 1960s, radical ideas emerged in Dutch urban planning. For the first time, the two major cities in the Netherlands engaged in building high-rise residential districts. If we understand this period as an experiment, then the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam produced opposite but exciting results. The uncompromising Amsterdam Bijlmermeer district grows into a problem area of national proportions. The more moderate Rotterdam Ommoord district, however, will be doing just fine. This article places the initial urban design features of those districts side-by-side for comparison. It provides insights into which design solutions work and which doesn't.

How to Cite

Hoeven, F. van der. (2021). Sixties High-rise in Holland: success and failure. Project Baikal, 17(66), 149–156. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.66.1734





refereed articles

Author Biography

Frank van der Hoeven, TU Delft

Ph.D., Associate Professor & Director of Research at TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (Netherlands)


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