Zaha Hadid Architects, композиция масс-блоб/метабол, комплекс Soho Galaxy в Пекине
The future of non-linear architecture


  • Zlata Gaevskaya Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University



non-linear architecture, Fordism, post-fordism, post-carbonism, biosphere, digital technologies


The architectural world is currently at the civilizational breaking point, which is caused by the climate change and the exhaustibility of the most important natural resources. The period of mass production, which actively uses carbon technologies, will soon be over. The conveyor and mass characteristics of architecture are fading away. Architecture cannot resist this international-scale tectonic shift. Thus, a new stage of development of the civilization demands new thinking. Digital architecture can represent a new ethics of the post-carbon civilization based on low-carbon life support systems. Non-linear architecture is to become an “intersection” science, aesthetiсizing and synthesizing the manifestation of secret laws of nature from other disciplines.

How to Cite

Gaevskaya, Z. (2021). The future of non-linear architecture. Project Baikal, 17(66), 132–136.





refereed articles

Author Biography

Zlata Gaevskaya, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Ph.D. in Architecture, Ass. Professor, Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction of Institute of Civil Engineering of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


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