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Rhetoric of postmodernism architecture


  • Alexey Khudin ovgorod State Architectural and Construction University




postmodernism, architecture, rhetoric, semiotics of architecture


This article analyzes the use of the theory of linguistics as applied to the theory of architecture and its rhetoric in particular. It attempts to interpret architecture in the period of postmodernism as a language and studies the notions of “topos” and “atopon” in the framework of the paradigm shift from the modern to the postmodern. The succession is viewed through the “topos” category as a speech complex, which expresses common narrative forms, “eternal topics” communicated from the past, and the invariants of the positioning relative to it in different paradigms. The article explains some of the key ideas of the theory of postmodern architecture.

How to Cite

Khudin, A. (2021). Rhetoric of postmodernism architecture. Project Baikal, 17(66), 126–131. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.66.1729





refereed articles

Author Biography

Alexey Khudin, ovgorod State Architectural and Construction University

Ph.D. in Architecture, Ass. Professor of the Department of Architectural Design at Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Construction University (NNGASU)


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