Irbit. A market town on the Nitsa


  • Julia Dianova Perm College of Building
  • Sergey Dianov Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Perm Institute of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service



geocultural potential, architectural environment, Irbit fair, cultural institutions, creative city, environmental design


The article presents the results of the study of the geocultural potential of the Ural town of Irbit. In 2021 the town on the Nitsa is going to celebrate its 390th birthday. The long-standing combination of non-resident traders' activities and the solidarity of the local corporation gave a big boost to the development of urban architecture, art and theatre. Today, Irbit needs creative scenarios for realization of the city’s geocultural branding strategy. The ideas of Ch. Landry and D. N. Zamyatin are used in the analysis.

How to Cite

Dianova, J., & Dianov, S. (2021). Irbit. A market town on the Nitsa. Project Baikal, 17(65), 64–72.





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