Restoration of I. O. Shenderov’s House in Rostov-on-Don


  • Yuliya Petrusenko SFedU
  • Anna Ivanova-Ilicheva Southern Federal University



restoration, rental house, I. O. Shenderov’s House, creation, architect N. M. Sokolov


The article reviews the history of I. O. Shenderov’s rental house designed by Rostov-on-Don city architect Nicolay Matveevich Sokolov (1859-1906) and the restoration of the cultural resource of regional significance. The aim of the study is to analyze the measures for restoration and protection of one of the largest rental houses in Rostov-on-Don. As a result, basic methods and techniques were revealed to be used in contemporary restoration of regional architecture of the late XIXth century.

How to Cite

Petrusenko, Y., & Ivanova-Ilicheva , A. (2021). Restoration of I. O. Shenderov’s House in Rostov-on-Don. Project Baikal, 17(65), 58–63.





refereed articles


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