Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church in the village of Barabanovo


  • Andrey Bode NIITIAG
  • Anna Ermakova Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



wooden architecture, traditions, novelty, methods of restoration


The construction history of the Church is revealed, the original architectural appearance is determined, the architectural, artistic and stylistic assessment is given, and the characteristic features of the monument's architecture are revealed. The completed comprehensive scientific surveys of the object allowed us to consider
two options for restoration solutions and analyze their validity. The evaluation criteria are authenticity and reliability. Special attention is paid to preserving the patina of time and the naturalness of an old building.

How to Cite

Bode, A., & Ermakova, A. (2021). Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church in the village of Barabanovo. Project Baikal, 17(65), 50–57.





refereed articles


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