Smart city of the 22 century: a closing circle


  • Zlata Gaevskaya Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Sergey Mityagin MANEB; SPbGASU



smart city, closing circle, ecosystem, biosphere, building


Communications of people or devices eliminate the basic principles of vertical control. New technological breakthroughs based on the energy Internet will change the way people interact with each other and the environment. This brings them together with living organisms. In the world of nature, all life processes take place on the principle of a "closing circle". The "smart" city of the XX century will be built according to completely new energy, and economic models and ways of interacting with the nature. Digital urban development of the future should involve biosphere content.

How to Cite

Gaevskaya, Z., & Mityagin, S. (2021). Smart city of the 22 century: a closing circle. Project Baikal, 17(65), 12–16.





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