regional schools




The spring of 2020 is definitely marked by the pandemic and self-isolation. It is a paradox that the ban on direct communication has encouraged communication in the field of ideas and thoughts.

However, before the quarantine, there were three of the four major architectural events of the year in Siberia: Winter University in Irkutsk, youth’s ARCHBUKHTA at Lake Baikal and mountain ski ARCHIGESH in Shoria.

Our Parisian author continues the discussion of the climate issue launched by him in PB 62 by interviewing a Paris official (12), and also initiates the theme for PB PHOTO GALLERY inspired by the quarantine – Empty Cities (8).

The subject of the issue is deeply considered. The authors are tasked to answer the questions: Are there regional schools in the history of Russian architecture? What are their peculiar features? Do they currently exist or did they pass away together with their founders and leaders? Do they compete or collaborate and enrich each other? What is the role of educational institutions in these processes?

In the song by Romario “Moscow-Neva”, Valery Syutkin sang: “In the dispute between the two cultures about how to call a curb, he is again for ‘porebrik’, while you are for ‘bordyur’”.

The keynote articles by Andrey Bokov, Alexander Kudryavtsev and Leo Salmin raise an issue of regional architecture schools from the level of “poreblik” and “bordyur” to philosophical heights. The articles on the history of architecture schools of Nizhny Novgorod and Irkutsk, Yerevan and Sevastopol are rich in research and systematized materials which are yet to be discussed.

How to Cite

Grigoryeva, E. (2020). regional schools. Project Baikal, 17(64), 1–1.




