Small and Historic Towns of Siberia: Olyokminsk


  • Nikolai Kradin RAACS; Pacific Ocean State University



Spasskaya Church; stone fence; skoptsy; development; Lena River; window surrounds and decoration; trading barns; Spassky Cathedral


Basing on his study of archival and literature materials, as well as his field observations and photofixation, the author explores architecture of Olyokminsk, one of the first historic towns in Siberia. He analyzes the wooden architecture of the town, stone structures, decoration of residential buildings, window surrounds, as well as the planning structure of Olyokminsk. The architecture of the lost part of the city, skoptsy’s settlement Spassky, is analyzed too.

How to Cite

Kradin, N. (2019). Small and Historic Towns of Siberia: Olyokminsk. Project Baikal, 16(62), 170–181.







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