"Military Towns" as the Basis for the Formation of the Military-Strategic Function of the Cities of Western Siberia (Omsk and Novo-Nikolaevsk) at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century


  • Nikolai Zhurin NSUADA
  • Larisa Volskaya NSUADA
  • Eugeny Khitsenko NSUADA
  • Eugeny Chugunov NSUADA




Novo-Nikolaevsk; Omsk; military town; barracks; Omsk fortress


The military towns are considered as one of the components of the military-strategic function of the cities of Omsk and Novo-Nikolaevsk in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The military-strategic aspect of construction is described and the features of the placement of barracks complexes in urban areas are revealed. This research showed that the military building complexes built within the city were quite autonomous in the structure of Siberian cities and their structures corresponded to all functional purposes. It has been established that the objects of military infrastructure under study, along with railway buildings, are an example of the use of typical projects in their organic combination with specific urban planning conditions of Siberian cities of the early 20th century.

How to Cite

Zhurin, N., Volskaya, L., Khitsenko, E., & Chugunov, E. (2019). "Military Towns" as the Basis for the Formation of the Military-Strategic Function of the Cities of Western Siberia (Omsk and Novo-Nikolaevsk) at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. Project Baikal, 16(62), 166–169. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.62.1566







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