Art Deco and Vienna


  • Maria Nashchokina RAACS; Russian Academy of Arts; Scientific Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning



Art Deco style; Art Nouveau Style; Viennese architectural school of the late 19 – early 20 century; Viennese workshops; J. Hoffman; Stoclet Palace; 1925 Paris International Exhibition


The article considers the formation of the Art Deco style in the Viennese architectural school and highlights the role of Josef Hoffman in the emergence of a new stylistic theme formally opposite to Art Nouveau. The article studies the change in the function of decoration in the architectural image through the example of A. Stoclet Palace in Brussels. The relation of Hoffman’s individual artistic language to the development of the Art Deco style was demonstrated in the architecture of the pavilions at the 1925 Paris International Exhibition. Similarity of Art Deco and Art Nouveau was in the origin, in comprehension of the “great style” lasting for almost the entire 20th century.

How to Cite

Nashchokina, M. (2019). Art Deco and Vienna. Project Baikal, 16(62), 126–137.







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