Stylistic Dynamics of the Russian (Soviet) Avant-Garde in the Architecture of Novosibirsk


  • Natalya Bagrova Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts
  • Sergey Filonov S.N. Balandin Museum of History of Siberian architecture of NSUADA



architecture of Novosibirsk; rational modern style; Russian (Soviet) avant-garde; constructivism style; post-constructivism style; discursive analysis


This paper is dedicated to the problem of studying the communication potential of Russian avant-garde stylistics in architecture of Novosibirsk as a basis of actual progression from the position of discursive analysis. Continuity of elements of rational modern style, directions of avant-garde and post-constructivism style is in consideration as a genetic base. Distinguishing features of local interpretation of semantics of post-constructivism style in Novosibirsk are reviewed.

How to Cite

Bagrova, N., & Filonov, S. (2019). Stylistic Dynamics of the Russian (Soviet) Avant-Garde in the Architecture of Novosibirsk. Project Baikal, 16(62), 70–73.







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