Architecture in the Context of Contemporary Ecology


  • Nikolai Dubynin AO TsNIIPromzdanii; National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Institute of Construction and Architecture
  • Tatyana Bobkova Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov
  • Vasili Dubynin K. G. Razumovsky Moscow University of Technologies and Management
  • Ariadna Panova



architecture; architectural design; ecology; urban environment; sanitary-epidemiological requirements


The article analyses the problems of ecology and realization of sanitary-epidemiological requirements in construction, which play a significant role in the development of urban planning. It used such methods as studying current works in the given field and revealing practical examples of provision of sanitary-epidemiological security. As a result, the article brings up forward-looking proposals on elaboration of standards necessary for ecological and sanitary-epidemiological security of cities, taking into account the previous design and building experience and the traditions of national architectural and construction science.

How to Cite

Dubynin, N., Bobkova, T., Dubynin, V., & Panova, A. (2019). Architecture in the Context of Contemporary Ecology. Project Baikal, 16(60), 123–127.







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