Barracks as the Main Type of Mass Housing in the Soviet Industrial Towns Constructed During the First Five-Year Plans


  • Mark Meerovich RAACS; IAAM; INRTU
  • Elena Bulgakova RAACS; Moscow Information and Technological University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute




barracks; Sotsgorod; industrialization; Soviet policy of urbanization


In the period of Soviet industrialization (1920-1940s), Sotsgorod new developments were often erected from scratch – in steppe, taiga or the desert. Their workforce recruitment was impossible without large-scale housing. Barracks were the first truly mass housing to be built in Sozgorod new developments in the industrialization period. They were a mass phenomenon providing a roof for about 80-90% of the population of industrial settlements.

How to Cite

Meerovich, M., & Bulgakova, E. (2019). Barracks as the Main Type of Mass Housing in the Soviet Industrial Towns Constructed During the First Five-Year Plans. Project Baikal, 16(60), 76–89.







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