A Century of Total Reduction


  • Petr Kapustin Voronezh State Technical University




architecture; planning; the XXth century; reduction; minimalism as a principle; models and intentions in architecture


The more we learn about the events of the XXth century and the more we understand them (or think that we understand), the more we become disillusioned with it. The charm of aspirations and slogans melts, whereas aggravation grows. Achievements faint in the darkness of enormous deficiencies, which the hard light of rationalism was unable to identify. The article devoted to architecture and planning considers only several aspects of its historical evolution in the profession.

How to Cite

Kapustin, P. (2019). A Century of Total Reduction. Project Baikal, 16(59), 32–39. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.59.1428







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