Strategies of Theatricalization in the Urban Interior


  • Petr Kapustin Voronezh State Technical University
  • Rodislava Lesnevska



architectural form, urban interior, theatre, theatricalization, the theatrical in architecture, the spectacular in architecture


About one hundred years ago, architects attempted to rely on ‘honesty of expression’ in architectural forms. It concerned everything, including things external to architecture. The attempt did not produce convincing results. The initial postulates proved to be false. Architecture becomes estranged from the ‘external’ objectivistic determination: it is the source of meanings and emotions in itself. It also means acceptance of theatricalization as a basic strategy of architectural activity, whatever forms and techniques are used. This strategy has a centuries-long history and includes several varieties, which are differentiated in the article.

How to Cite

Kapustin, P., & Lesnevska, R. (2018). Strategies of Theatricalization in the Urban Interior. Project Baikal, 15(56), 52–58.




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