The Ways of Transformation of Gorstroiproject and the Cabinet of the All-Union Academy of Architecture of the USSR into the Central Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Authors Eduard Tovmasyan Central Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction; RAACS Downloads PDF (Русский) DOI: Keywords: town planning, planning of urban settlements, conversion, housing construction, Gorstroiproject, Central Scientific Research and Design Institute of Town Planning, Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of Russia Abstract The article presents the history of design institutions in the Soviet Union and Russia, their significance and areas of activity. It analyses the current condition of town planning and urban development, as well as principles of management of design institutions. The article cites the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of Russia. How to Cite Tovmasyan, E. (2018). The Ways of Transformation of Gorstroiproject and the Cabinet of the All-Union Academy of Architecture of the USSR into the Central Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction of Russia. Project Baikal, 15(55), 151–155. More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Published 2018-04-21 Issue No. 55 (2018): conversion Section Articles References Chabdarov, M. M. (2017). Razvitie natsionalnoi sistemy rasseleniya i razmeshcheniya proizvoditelnykh sil v strategii prostranstvennogo razvitiya RF [Development of the national system of allocation of production forces in the strategy of spatial development o the RF]. City and Town Planning, 4 (50), 20-28. Chabdarov, Marat Mukhazhirovich. (n. d.a). Retrieved from Chabdarov, Marat Mukhazhirovich. (n. d.b). Citynfo. Retrieved from // Federalnyi tsentr tsnoobrazovaniya v stroitelstve vozglavil Marat Chabdarov [Marat Chabdarov has headed the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction]. (2014, December 29). CNII ekonomiki i upravleniya stroitelstvom. Retrieved from // Loginova, Svetlana Georgievna (n. d.). Retrieved 28 February, 2018 from Maksachyov, Sergei. (n. d.). Megogo. Retrieved 28 February, 2018 from // Meerovich, M. G. (2012, March). Urbanism or disurbanism? A debate about the future of the Soviet cities]. Architecton: proceedings of higher education, 37. Retrieved 14 February, 2018 from O bystreishem obespechenii zhilishchami rabochikh ugolnoi promyshlennosti i o razvitii oblegchennogo zhilishchnogo stroitelstva [On the urgent provision of workers of the coal industry with dwelling and on development of facilitated housing construction]. (1931, March 25). Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, final edition. Appendix 9 to issue 8 of the PB project 30. Retrieved February 16, 2018 from // 51611 Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federalnomu Sobraniyu [Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of RF]. (2018, March 1). KonsultantPlus. Retrieved from Tovmasyan, E. O. (2017). TsNIIP Minstroya Rossii. Problemy realizatsii dokumentov territorialnogo planirovaniya v novykh sotsialno-ekonomicheskikh usloviyakh [the Central Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction of Russia. The problems of implementation of the territorial planning documents in the new social-economic conditions]. ACADEMIA akhitektura i stroitelstvo, 4, 75-80. Yaffe, E. M. (2017). Urboekologicheskii vector radostroitelnogo razvitiya v epokhu postindustrialnogo obshchestva [Urban and ecological vector of town-planning development in the epoch of postindustrial society]. City and Town Planning, 5 (51), 35-37.