Heritage and the Development of Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa. Continuation. Beginning in PB 52


  • Fabio Todeschini University of Cape Town
  • Liana Jansen ICOMOS




conservation, development planning, cultural landscapes, heritage resources management


The jurisdiction of Stellenbosch, located adjacent to, but outside of, the Cape Town metropolitan area in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, comprises over one thousand square kilometers of landscapes spanning: spectacular mountain wilderness areas; many productive rural valleys that are an integral part of the celebrated Cape Winelands; and a number of historic, characterful urban centres founded during the
17th century. Overall, this blend of domains attracts increasing numbers of tourists, while the places are also home to a growing population. The pressures for change and growth are significant: so is the need for appropriate policies and plans in the longer-term public interest. The authors report on a three-year project they are conducting for the local authority that focuses on the definition of the natural and cultural heritage and, in principle, on how development should be channelled.

How to Cite

Todeschini, F., & Jansen, L. (2017). Heritage and the Development of Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa. Continuation. Beginning in PB 52. Project Baikal, 14(53), 118–123. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.53.1232







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