Demolition Impossible to Restore


  • Mark Meerovich RAACS; IAAM; INRTU



housing reform, five-storey buildings, renovation, reconstruction, dangerous housing stock, resettlement


The restoration program launched by the Moscow authorities is analyzed in terms of the history of Soviet architecture and society. It is criticized for its nonconformity with the current legislation, breaches of procedures of declaring buildings in disrepair, weak ecological, procedural, social and other aspects of the program, refusal to use international experience in reconstruction of five-storey buildings, in particular, the German experience. The article reveals that the Draft Federal Law, amending the Federal Law “On the status of the capital of the Russian Federation” and serving to regulate the processes of renovation of the housing stock in Moscow, does not comply with the Russian laws.

How to Cite

Meerovich, M. (2017). Demolition Impossible to Restore. Project Baikal, 14(53), 78–84.







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