Moscow Information and Technological University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute Is an Innovative Architectural School


  • Elena Bulgakova Moscow Information and Technological University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute; Russian Academy of Natural History; Union of Architects of Russia



architecture school, integration into project activities, cultural and educational environment, innovative trends, educational technology, creative activity, interdisciplinary approach


The article presents the experience of Moscow Information and Technological University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute (MITU MACI) in creating an advanced model of architecture school focused on an innovative approach in education to intensify the educational process. The article touches upon “impermeability” of the architectural profession and the possible ways out with the help of introduction of new forms of education and an interdisciplinary approach.

How to Cite

Bulgakova, E. (2017). Moscow Information and Technological University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute Is an Innovative Architectural School. Project Baikal, 14(53), 54–57.







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