



Russian architectural school, government policy, professional education


The emblem of the Federal Education and Science Supervision Service contains a crossing of the scroll (a symbol of knowledge) and the so-called fasces, Lictor’s axe and a bundle of rods. The Romans borrowed this sinister symbol from the Etruscans. It meant the right of authorities to execute and punish their people. The same symbol can be seen in the emblems of two more government agencies: Federal Penal Service and Federal Bailiff Service.

It comes to mind that “fascism” derives from “fasces”, doesn’t it?

The character of the present-day government policy towards the system of higher education is rather penal. The flow of new prohibitions, restrictions and demands coming from the power structures is very strong. As usual, the purposes are good: to raise the quality of education, to stop “selling diplomas”, and to bring
Russian institutions of higher education to the level of high international ratings.

How efficient is this policy? Does it encourage renovation of the system of higher education? Does it support the leading universities in their competition for a student or a highly qualified professor, as well as for the prestige of Russian architectural school? Where does the current trend in professional education lead? Does it have any alternatives?

As usual, the materials of the Education section are full of urgent and thorny issues.

How to Cite

Lidin, K. (2017). education. Project Baikal, 14(53), 37–37.





Editorial material