A Space of New Beginning: Nikolai Kuzmin’s Siberian Utopia


  • Kinga Nędza-Sikoniowska Jagiellonian University




Nikolai Kuzmin, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, communal house, Constructivism, avant-garde, Utopia


The communal house designed for Siberian miners of Anzhero-Sudzhensk by Nikolai Kuzmin is viewed as a proposal related to realization of the Bolshevist anthropological experiment that contemplated socialization of households, reinterpretation of the role of architects in the new Social system and deprivation of inhabitants of private space. The project combined utopian proposals with elaborate functional solutions. The article observes the role of Nikolai Kuzmin in the history of the Soviet Constructivism in the absence of memory of him in today’s history of Anzhero-Sudzhensk.

How to Cite

Nędza-Sikoniowska, K. (2017). A Space of New Beginning: Nikolai Kuzmin’s Siberian Utopia. Project Baikal, 14(52), 128–131. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.52.1183




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