It Brings One’s Mind in Order. On the occasion of A. G. Rappaport’s anniversary Authors Mark Meerovich RAACS; INRTU Downloads PDF (Русский) DOI: Keywords: A. G. Rappaport’s works, theory of architecture, crisis, “The Tower and the Labyrinth” blog, necessity to form a new professional paradigm Abstract The theory of architecture is in crisis today: very few people discuss theoretical texts, because very few people read them. A. G. Rappaport in his works of theoretical architecture tries to prepare ‘the collective unconscious of the profession’ to a global breakthrough in thinking and practice. He believes that professional reflection will come across the problems which are now alien to professional consciousness. How to Cite Meerovich, M. (2016). It Brings One’s Mind in Order. On the occasion of A. G. Rappaport’s anniversary. Project Baikal, 13(50), 37–38. More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Published 2016-11-21 Issue No. 50 (2016): banks Section Items about an individual