Открытка Жана-Марка Коте (Jean-Marc Côté). Так представляли себе школу будущего во Франции в 1910 году
A place where people are educated


  • Elena Bulgakova MITU-MACI




architecture, architectural education, e-education, virtual educational space


The general patterns of organizing the learning space in most modern schools are based on the traditions of the class-and-lesson system. The disadvantages of this system are especially noticeable in the field of architectural education. The rapid growth in the number and variety of virtual educational resources poses an unusually innovative and urgent task - the formation of the architecture of the virtual educational space.

How to Cite

Bulgakova, E. (2021). A place where people are educated. Project Baikal, 17(66), 176–179. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.66.1738





refereed articles

Author Biography

Elena Bulgakova, MITU-MACI

Ph.D. in Architecture, advisor of the RAACS, head of the Department of Architecture and Design, MITU-MACI (Moscow)


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