Editorial material

  • In 1912, art competitions were held as a part of the Olympic Games for the first time. The gold medal for literature was awarded to Pierre de Coubertin for his “Ode to Sport”. The words “Oh sport, you are the peace” from the final part of the Ode became winged and were translated into a number of languages. But the play of meanings “peace” and “world” can be observed only in the Russian word “mir”.

    Pierre de Coubertin’s original words are: “O Sport, tu es la Paix!”. It means that sport is opposite to war. A lot of things have changed since then in the world of sports. Strong...

  • The universe unites us all
    Through the summer religion called football
    And the winter one called hockey.
    Robert Rozhdestvensky

    The top-class sports are rich in great events. The most serious challenge in front of today’s Russian sports and architecture community is, certainly, the World Football Championship. Russia is preparing stadiums for the World Football Championship in the both capitals and the regional centers: Samara, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Rostov and Kaliningrad. The landmark structures demand from architects deep investigation...

  • Had there ever been any special sports buildings in our regional centers before the 20th century? And before the middle of the 20th century? In Irkutsk and Baikalsk there had not been any. They appeared during the Thaw of the 1960s. The buildings had innovative large-span structures and were unique. They were located in the city centers, forming important public spaces. They did not become obsolete within half a century. We begin our sport collection with them.

    Fitness has become one of the most popular kinds of the mass sport and has completely replaced the traditional “physical...

News items

Items about an individual

  • The article presents Vladimir Deikun’s creative works and projects, as well as his teaching principles. His book illustrations and exhibition designs are analyzed. His creative works are featured in the context of linguistic processes and the dynamics of the Irkutsk design.

  • The discussion focuses on the social issues of sports in the 21st century. It touches the problems of professional sports, transformation of mass sports and management of sport venues and flows.The changes in architecture of sports venues are viewed in connection with the social processes. Possibilities to transform sports complexes into city-forming structures and to use school sport facilities to consolidate city communities were also discussed.

  • The interview with Dmitry Bush was conducted on March 14, 2017 at the Arena Project Institute for Unique Structures, where he works as deputy director and chief architect. His recent projects are mainly focused on working out new concepts for sports venues.

Short articles

  • Architectural criticism did not exist in the USSR. It did not exist in the history of architecture either. It can be observed neither in the preset-day West nor in Russia. The place of architectural criticism is occupied by architectural journalism. An ideal architectural criticism supposes that the authors and their critics should be equally developed within the sphere of the given culture. (In literature of the 19th century, Pushkin was a great poet and, at the same time, a great critic.) There have not been any great critics in architecture.

  • Inclusion of historical buildings or their fragments in a new development is not a novelty. During the last 10-15 years this method has been widely used. Such decisions are rooted in the field of economics and regulations for the protection of the historic development. Due to unprofessional solutions made by both architects and approving authorities the old is irreparably mutilated, while the new looks absurd.


  • The author proposes definition of sports as means of production of sthenic emotions concerning demonstration of human physical and psychic abilities, hic et nunc. The article tells how sports bear a close resemblance to such fields as military art and show business. Architecture of sports venues is viewed through history in connection with the changes in interrelations between these three fields.

  • The article reviews two projects of the Moscow Palace of Young Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory: a unique project realized in 1962, and a contemporary project of the development of the territory of the Palace of Young Pioneers worked out by an interdisciplinary team in 2015. It is shown how legacy of the past becomes a unique opportunity of the future.

  • The Forest Green Rovers Stadium (Stroud, UK) designed by Zaha Hadid Architects will be built almost entirely of wood – the first time that will have been done anywhere in the world. The use of wood will ensure reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Being a renewable resource, wood will also enhance the ecological characteristics of the building. The stadium’s roof is covered with a transparent membrane, which minimizes shadows and does not prevent the growth of grass on the stadium. The position of all the seats provides excellent views of the field. The first stage of building is...

  • TPoint and ASB have created a pure and simple transparent functionality concept that is turning squash from a limited indoor game to a dynamic outdoor success. This concept is embodied in the world’s first smart outdoor squash courts.

  • The article tells about the author's visit to Yosemite National Park, USA. It describes how the territory is used for sports and what facilities are provided for the guests.

  • The public housing estate 'La Hêtraie' was built 40 years ago in the municipality of Limeil-Brévannes in the Paris region. Its open spaces are still marked by their initial design. A design that does not satisfy the today's needs and wishes of the residents. A team of urban planners are now elaborating a new landscape design in relationship with the renovation of five buildings with altogether 209 apartments. The building renovation focuses on the apartments and common spaces, including wheelchair accessibility. The new urban landscape restructures the open spaces with a higher diversity...

  • As a follow-up to the theme of integration between architecture and nature discussed in the previous issues of Project Baikal, the article gives a definition of the principle of environmental interconnection. It also presents the geneses and the state-of-the-art of the ideas and practices based on this complex and dialectically contradictory principle. The author analyses the evolution of different ways of penetration of natural environment into the inner space of architectural structures. He also studies the development of the idea of openness of architectural structures toward natural...

  • When the state social-economic system collapsed in the beginning of the 1990s, the necessity to close down the single-industry and subsidized settlements became acute. The settlements failed to survive on their own. It is necessary to establish the investment priorities and to work out the tactics and goals of public and private investments and initiatives. However, the social-economic measures proposed by the government and the Ministry for Economic Development do not come into urban planning practice. The authors propose a conceptual basis for the political course in the urban planning...

  • Mark Meerovich, Anastasia Malko, Valery Kozlov, Ludmila Kozlova, Ekaterina Gladkova

    The article presents the materials and the key conclusions of the research and practice excursion around the three German cities (Berlin, Dresden and Halle) visited by professors and students of the Architectural Faculty of INRTU Institute of Architecture and Construction in 2016. The excursion was financially supported by the Volkswagen Foundation to analyze and summarize the successful German practices in realizing the complex programs on renovation of the territory of mass panel house-building of the 1960-1980s.


  • The article presents the results of the 11th All-Union Architectural Festival “ArchBaukhta” organized by the Club of Young Architects under the auspices of the Union of Architects of Russia. The main goal of the Festival is to create spatial compositions basing on the proposed concept and to use these objects d’art to transform the urban environment. This year the teams were encouraged to use artistic devices and ecological materials to create installations, corresponding to the ArchBukhta 2017 theme: “The Outland”.

  • The article presents proposals worked out by the international teams that took part in the 18th session of International Baikal Winter University of Urban Planning. The session focused on small rivers rehabilitation as a part of sustainable development. Through the case study of the Ushakovka River in Irkutsk, the teams proposed new ideas of riverfront development, which can be also applied to other small rivers.

  • The uniqueness of the 29th World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk is that all the sports grounds will be located within the city. One of them is the territory of the Siberian Federal University, which will house the Athletic Village and the volunteers’ residence. The facilities that are being built on this territory will later frm a student environment. A common natural framework between the facilities and the city is created with the help of a continuous chain of parks and gardens. The student boulevard will link two grounds, while running through the birchwood along the paths already...

  • The article tells about the sports facilities that have been worked out by the Siberian Design Institute in Irkutsk and Shelekhov within the last three years. The team of authors has designed three sports complexes for different kinds of sports in the unique urban context. While designing the facilities of such different shapes and volumes, the architects kept to the same principles of careful attitude toward context, maximal efficiency of spatial organization, and application of a wide range of modern materials.

  • Рассматриваются некоторые особенности проектирования спортивных объектов в Иркутске и Ангарске. Акцентируется внимание на отличии коммерческих и некоммерческих спортивных клубов от спорткомплексов, реализуемых за счет бюджетного финансирования. В бюджетном варианте предусмотрены крупногабаритные универсальные залы; в коммерческом – залы средних параметров, используемые для спортивных занятий, большие спортивные залы играют дополнительную роль.

  • This collection presents three sports venues recently designed by Victor Churilov’s bureau. Their architecture is functional, and their composition is very rational. The authors have created a row of landmark structures that harmonize with the landscape of Kuban.