Editorial material

Short articles


  • Significant size of the country, current urbanization processes and cities’ activity gravitation place great importance on all the professions connected with space planning and on the subject itself. But the ongoing situation formed during the last 20 years testifies of the state authorities’ indifference to the questions of tactic and strategic space development planning. The article highlights economical and political reasons which drove the once desired and elite profession to the status of survival.

  • Based on archive and field studies of the remained fragments of the fort (Spasskaya gate tower and a chapel), the article considers an attempt to restore its plan structure and different objects: a shopping arcade, a writ hut, a complex of the tsar’s military governor’s yard, a tower, and salt and sable storehouses. With the help of field studies, measurements and photofixation we have revealed compositional, planning and design features of the fort (ostrog) and its structures.

  • Baikal is one of the most interesting and unique places of the Earth. It is a geological history of Asia for the period of almost 30 mln years, a huge amount of fresh water of excellent quality, deposits and ore occurrences of various minerals, including hydrocarbons, precinctive flora and fauna, the richest taiga, surprising geological and archeological finds. At the same time the ecosystem of the Baikal region is young and evolving. It is connected with the intensive neotectonic movements which influence all ecosystem elements: relief, landscape, climate, hydrosphere, biosphere,...

  • The article considers relations between the city of Irkutsk and Lake Baikal in terms of cultural geography. Baikal is included in the UNESCO world heritage list. Unlike the majority of lakes also included in this list, Baikal’s coast is inhabited, especially its southern part. Similar situation is, for example, in the cluster “the city of Bergen – Geiranger village – Geirangerfjord” in Norway. The comparative analysis shows how Norway’s positive experience of the system “a city – a village – a natural phenomenon” could be used in order to make Irkutsk more attractive for tourists and...

  • The article reveals the historical factor that influenced the development of tourism infrastructure in Russian national parks. The borders of the recreational influence zone on the territory of the Pribaikalsky national park were defined with the use of landscapegeographical approach based on zoning, while taking into account the wholeness of tourism-recreational ecosystems and urboecosystems.

    On the territory under study there are seven small recreational areas: Olkhon Island; the Circum-Baikal Railway; Listvyanka settlement and the Baikal highway; Maloe More Strait; Bolshoe...

  • Baikal is not only one of the greatest lakes of the world. Baikal is a system of myths and images which has been formed for many centuries. The analysis of old maps shows that only 200-300 years ago the existence of Baikal was the subject of wild speculations. Today the image of Baikal is a world brand. However citizens of Irkutsk and other towns located around Baikal can hardly make any profit on it. The reason is the absence of specialists who would be able to work with such a complex and strong image as Baikal.

  • The article considers several aspects of how Lake Baikal influences artists’ work:

    • Baikal as a theme for painting and exhibiting;
    • Creative events at Baikal;
    • Baikal as a place where artists live;
    • Half-amateur paintings for sale.
  • Краткая история маячных огней на озере Байкал, появление первых маяков на Посольском берегу и в бухте Песчаной, на мысах Голоустном, Туркинском, Кобылья голова и других. Установка маяков байкальскими гидрографическими экспедициями подполковник Корпуса флотских штурманов Фёдор Кириллович Дриженко. Маяки в составе Байкальской паромной железнодорожной переправы в Мысовой, Танхое, порту Байкал.

  • Какие пути сообщения существовали до сооружения последнего звена Транссибирской магистрали – Кругобайкальской железной дороги? О транспортных предшественниках «Золотой пряжки говорится в статье, начиная с Сибирского теса, волоков, заканчивая паромной переправой, которая действовала до ввода в эксплуатацию рельсового пути по берегу озера Байкал.

  • The icebreaker “Angara” is one of the most ancient ships of that kind that still exist in Russia. It was built in Newcastle (England) in 1899 and is now located on the shore of the Irkutsk water reservoir. It is a monument of regional significance. The ship’s technical data make it unique to our country. This monument comprises the age-old traditions of conquering the severe nature, Russian inventors’ innovations, English ship builders’ skillfulness, dramatic events of the Patriotic war, everyday life of Baikal sailors and public struggle for preservation of the best traditions of the...

  • В статье рассказывается об уникальном объекте культурного наследия, памятнике истории и техники Х1Х века – ледоколе «Ангара», о его участии в строительстве Кругобайкальской железной дороге, о его значении в переброске солдат на русско-японскую войну 1904-1905 гг., о роли общественности в сохранении самого старого ледокольного судна России в 80-е годы ХХ века.

  • В статье сопоставляются проблемы Северобайкальска как моногорода с кризисной ситуацией в Байкальске. Основной фокус: запрос городского сообщества на преодоление моностилизма, процессы диверсификации социальной и хозяйственной жизни города. В основе аналитических выводов автора - результаты полевого исследования в городе Северобайкальске в 2012 году (наблюдения и интервью), а также документов стратегического планирования сибирских моногородов.