Editorial material

  • This issue consists of two parts. Both parts are connected with the upcoming review competition of graduation projects, which will be held in Krasnoyarsk in the second half of September.

    Konstantin Kiyanenko has sent us a map of Russia with architecture schools densely marked in the European part, in the west, and with a decreasing number of such schools further to the east. It is in direct ratio to the population. There are so few (and fewer and fewer) of us… The more crucial it is that Krasnoyarsk, the biggest city of Eastern Siberia, was chosen to conduct the review...

  • Catalogue East-Siberian Zodchestvo Festival 2012

    Chronicle of the East-Siberian Zodchestvo Festival 2012

    Our Guest, Totan Kuzembaev

    The List of Participants of the East-Siberian Zodchestvo Festival XII

    Built Projects

    Un-built Projects

    Propaganda of Architecture 

    Creation of Young Architects and Students

    Children’s Architectural and Artistic Creation

Short articles
