Editorial material

  • There are two variants for Russian translation of the English word ‘suburbia’. One of them, ‘prigorod’ (suburbs), has a respectful shade of meaning, typical of the American suburbia within the last decades, when the suburbs were inhabited by the middle class, house-owners and representatives of the well-educated and well-to-do social groups. Calm and regular life in the suburbs close to the earth, clean air and familiar neighbors determined a high cost and a high quality of suburban housing.

    Another variant, ‘okraina’ (outskirts), has a slightly different connotation. We associate...

News items

  • Marina Tkacheva, Olga Smirnova, Olga Gutsol, Alexander Dudnev, Anna Grigorieva

    UIA News

    A Thinking Head and a Nursing Cow

    The Regular General Meeting of the Members of the Self-Regulatory Organization Independent

    Partnership “The Baikal Association of Architects and Engineers” of March 23

    “BukhArt”: the Beginning of the Second Five-Year Period

    The VIIth Forum of Architects-Skiers from Siberia and Ural

    The Second Landscape Conference in Krasnoyarsk

    “Geo-Decor”, so Simple and Unexpected

    254 Years and the 20th Anniversary

    The Book “Irkutsk Architects” 

    Arkhangelsk Museum of Wooden Architecture «Malye...
