Editorial material

  • For many years the maximum permissible concentration of architectural events has been falling on October: “Zodchestvo” Festival in Moscow (11), the autumn Plenum of the Union of Architects in the middle of October (20) and the International Day of Architecture on the first Monday (26) attract conferences, exhibitions and competitions, presentations of books (18) and youth initiatives, awards and resolutions. In the course of time our calendar has added one more active period in late spring/early summer. At the end of May and in the beginning of June there are international festivals -...

News items

  • Marina Tkacheva, Eduard Tovmasyan, Elena Grigoryeva, Konstantin Lidin

    Baikal Economic Forum

    International Scientific and Practical Conference

    "Culture of Wood - Wood in Culture"

    Summer Ateliers of Urbanists

    Memorandum of Understanding between UIA and Active House Alliance

    Korean Team Wins the First Prize in the VELUX Award

    UIA Professional Practice Commission

    "Zodchestvo 2010" International Festival

    Rainbow of "Zodchestvo 2010" in Manezh

    Three Opinions on One Book about Gogol's Two

    "Soviet Modernism" Book

    V Plenum of the Board of the Union of Architects of Russia

    XXX Meeting of Chief...

Items about an individual


  • It is necessary to clearly separate the functions of the state from those of the settlement. The definition of “democracy” should not do without the definition of “self-government”. A true self-government is an association of owners of the given territory, within the boundaries of the settlement. These owners are to govern in this territory. The government in the person of federal and regional officials should be a defender of one’s rights, including the rights of property.

    The whole system of power, both local and state, should be an infrastructure serving for the citizen. But we...

  • This interview went on the air almost five years ago. The architect Vladimir Pavlov answered the questions posed by Tatyana Valovich, a reporter of Radio Svoboda. Vladimir Pavlov was one of those young energetic architects who came to Irkutsk in the beginning of 1960s to create the Irkutsk school of architecture and to bring up the first generation of professional architects on this land. Living and working already in Saint Petersburg, in this interview he shared his thoughts about the bureaucratic system, the high-density development, drawbacks of the master plan and urban planning in...

  • In this interview Vladimir Pavlov points out the difference between the mayor’s functions and the governor’s functions.

    The governor is the head of the regional executive power. The main function of the state is to establish and to maintain the legal order in the whole country: to create the single economic and legal space, to provide opportunities for competition etc. In a word, the state is to decrease thieving. The state should be the embodiment of justice. But only the one who is not involved in a carve-up and not interested in its results can be just indeed.


  • Vladimir Pavlov was interviewed by Andrei Katin, correspondent of the “Chance” publishing house, to comment on the town-planning scandal concerning the new Exchange House built on Vasilievsky Island in St Petersburg and the officials’ idea of licensing the architects to permit realization of their projects in the historical city center. Vladimir Pavlov, giving an example of foreign licensing practice, believes that in Russia officials should not be involved in this process. In the case of the new Exchange House the bureaucracy arrogated to themselves the rights provided neither under the...

  • The Moscow scandal concerning Southern Butovo leads to a certain “divide” between the different stages of development in our civil society. The new Housing Code, which maintenance is directly associated with the fussing around high-density development and land relations in the cities, has been a final document in the complex of regulations – the Civil Code, the Land Code, the Town Planning Code etc. These documents have defined the legal space to master. Then our cities will become property of the citizens, but not of the elite representatives, officials and deputies delegated to the...