
  • The spring of 2020 is definitely marked by the pandemic and self-isolation. It is a paradox that the ban on direct communication has encouraged communication in the field of ideas and thoughts.

    However, before the quarantine, there were three of the four major architectural events of the year in Siberia: Winter University in Irkutsk, youth’s ARCHBUKHTA at Lake Baikal and mountain ski ARCHIGESH in Shoria.

    Our Parisian author continues the discussion of the climate issue launched by him in PB 62 by interviewing a Paris official (12), and also initiates the theme for PB...


  • The news section presents the COVID-19 Information Hub organized by the UIA and the new dates for UIA2021RIO, as well as the laureates of the 2020 Pritzker Architecture Prize.

  • Vlad Gaivoronschi, Aleksei Kozmin, Christian Horn, Anna Gelfond, Sergey Mayarenkov, Frank van der Hoeven

    Architects like taking photos of their projects “au naturel”: they have to wait until the flow of people declines or the leaves fall down; the authors catch the light to capture their work in all its beauty and purity… But now we are witnessing a time we have never had before: plazas, streets and parks have become empty; even the smog has cleared away. The morning look is beautiful but so sad…

  • Climate change is happening on a faster pace than ever recorded before. It has become visible in multiple wildfires on nearly all continents, heat waves, melting glacier, thawing of permafrost, water shortage, the reduction of the biodiversity and other occurrences. The Paris agreement, based on the negotiations of the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris (COP21) in December 2015, focus to contain global warming well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100, and strives to limit the increase to +1.5°C. To implement the objectives of the Paris agreement on their territories,...

  • The article presents the results of the XV Forum of Architects-Mountain Skiers, which was held from 15 to 20 March, 2020 at the mountain ski resort Sheregesh in the south of the Kemerovo region.

  • Veronica Kozhevnikova, Roman Malinovich

    The article presents the annual all-Russian architectural festival “ArchBukhta”. Its slogan, tasks, results and winning projects are studied, and the educational program of the festival is featured.

  • The article presents a new album-catalogue “Baikal on postcards. 1898-1917”. This historico- bibliographical publication includes reproductions of illustrated postcards with views of Baikal, as well as a catalogue of all postcard publications. It is the first book to describe postcards with views of Baikal and the first track of the Circum-Baikal Railway in the period of its construction and the first years of operation. Most of the abstracts given in the book are research ones.

refereed articles

  • The article analyses the problems of architectural education, mechanisms of formation of architectural schools, their peculiarities depending on concrete social and cultural goals. The author focuses on the notions of academic and non-academic school, as well as the interrelation between architectural practice and university leadership. He draws comparisons between world and Russian experiences and describes the personalities of the leaders of architectural schools of different theoretical and socio-cultural types. He proposes a wide interpretation of the current development of the...

  • The presence of an architecture school is an important indicator of the level of the socio-economic and cultural development of the region. It is a permanent source of highly-qualified specialists – architects and urban planners. It is also a ground for studies of local
    problematics in the context of academic professional knowledge, which is a factor of sustainable development. In the natural process of mutual interaction between the achievements of a real practice and an educational institution, a unique regional school of Russian architecture can be created.

  • The article analyses fundamental semantic changes in the discourse of the relations between the global and the local under the influence of the historical and current experience of communication and isolation in the course of human development.

  • The article discusses the stages and conditions of the emergence of a modern regional Nizhny Novgorod architectural school, which in the 1990s gained a leading position in Russian architecture. The purpose of the article is to familiarize with the Nizhny Novgorod
    architectural school and identify its features. The role of a leader in its formation is noted. The significance of the architectural school in preserving the appearance of the historical center of Nizhny Novgorod and in creating a kind of regional architecture based on local traditions is determined.

  • After the restoration of independence of Armenia, the process of formation of national statehood started. Academician Tamanyan worked out a master plan for Yerevan that conveyed the national idea and an architectural language based on the synthesis of classical and indigenous forms. Alongside this, the development of avant-garde forms started. The “thaw” period witnessed the emergence of the second Armenian modernism, which was again aimed at the language of contemporary architecture with compositional and spatial principles of Armenian architecture.

  • The article considers a regional school phenomenon, including the context of the urban landscape, design and development of the center of post-war Sevastopol. The integrity of the ensemble development of the center is a typical feature of the city’s
    appearance. Many postwar buildings were included in the list of monuments together with the antique archeology and the remainingancient structures. Collective and often poorly coordinated efforts of the architects with different creative traits and experiences have lead to the formation of an integral architectural appearance. The...


  • Our journal has been studying the Irkutsk (Pavlov) school and architecture of the great generation of the sixties for more than 15 years. In the PORTRAIT OF THE ARCHITECT section of the first issue, we spoke about the urban planner Vyacheslav Voronezhsky. Such journal issues as PB26 Pavlov, PB 39–40 Sixtiers, PB 43 Irkutskgrazhdanproject, as well as a series of articles of PB 59 Curtain XX and a number of other issues are devoted to the period of formation and the highest rise of the Irkutsk school. PB continues to publish materials on the history of the Irkutsk school, paying tribute of...

refereed articles

  • Architecture of Irkutsk in 1960-1980s is considered in the context of the national and foreign practices. The article tells about the establishment of the architecture speciality at Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute (1973). The personality of architect V. A. Pavlov is featured as a personality of the Teacher; its methods of professional communication with students and apprentices are also presented.

  • Irkutsk, which rapidly developed in the Soviet period, has preserved its unique architectural outlook. In the 1970-80s, historical buildings were situated alongside forward-looking projects that were ahead of their time. One of the authors of such projects was Vladimir Bukh, who was the chief architect of the city from 1977 to 1989. His interviews with colleagues and contemporaries, his thoughts expressed in periodicals make it possible to depict his human and professional qualities.

  • The newspaper story was published in "Vostochno-Sibirskaya Pravda" on October 28, 1965. Publishing this article, PROJECT BAIKAL continues the series of publications about a prominent town-planner Vyacheslav Voronezhsky (pb 1, 9, 13, 26, 39-40, 43, 59).

  • The article is devoted to architects of the sixties who contributed to the development of architecture in Irkutsk and who left it for various reasons. Studying the projects designed by B. M. Aptekman, V. N. Banit, V. S. Voronezhsky, L. G. Krupskaya, V. A. Pavlov, E. B. Pkhor, L. M. Rezvyakova, V. A. Chemeris before and after their moving to other cities, the author makes conclusions about the impact of Irkutsk school on the formation of the architects’ creative manner.

  • The interview was held with Vladimir Nikolaevich Banit, who worked in the late 1960s – early 1970s in Irkutskgrazhdanproject. In his interview, V. N. Banit shares his memoirs about the years of studying at MArchI, working as an architect as project manager on Academgorodok in Irkutsk, living in Irkutsk and collaborating with Irkutsk architects.

  • The article describes the period of the biography of one of the architects-sixtiers, Larisa Krupskaya spent in Irkutsk. It features the creative atmosphere in Irkutsk architecture of the 1960s and the ‘landing forces’ of young graduates of MArchI, as well as their role in designing significant facilities and working out the urban development strategy for Irkutsk. The author speaks about peculiarities of prefabricated public buildings, in which L. G. Krupskaya took part.

  • Using the method of narrative analysis of architectural and town-planning projects, the author reveals basic elements of the East-Siberian architectural tradition. He shows its relation to the specific features of the climate, the regional history and socio-psychological peculiarities of the Siberian style of life. The author draws narrative parallels between architecture of Siberian cities, neobrutalism of the Irkutsk school and a contemporary project of the 130 Quarter located in the center of Irkutsk.


  • This section is mostly devoted to two Siberian universities – the metropolitan university in Novosibirsk and Irkutsk alma mater. Parallel to science and teaching, both Irkutsk and Novosibirsk scientists and teachers deal with practical issues. We introduce to the readers the study of Karl Marx Street in Novosibirsk and the analysis of opportunities of the deserted Zhilkino district in Irkutsk that were discussed on the platform of the Winter University. The MONITOR yellow pages present a student project done in the Irkutsk manner: this work concerns a challenging site, a cause of much...

refereed articles

  • Natalia Bagrova, Nikolai Zhurin, Gennadiy Pustovetov, Sergey Filonov

    The sources and development prospects of Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov are related to the “Siberian architecture and art school” phenomenon. The historical concept of establishing a university as a center of scientific research, design practices and education is newly realized in thirty years at the next stage of the development of architectural and art education in Siberia.

  • The authors propose a technique for assessing residents' satisfaction with urban space. The authors conducted a study of the real urban public space. An “Urban Space Satisfaction Questionnaire” was developed and tested on the research object. The questionnaire confirmed its viability and can be further used to assess residents' satisfaction with urban spaces in large cities. Based on the assessment of satisfaction, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are formulated for further use in the development of the architectural and environmental design of Karl Marx Avenue in Novosibirsk.

  • The article is devoted to the scientific approaches used by the modern Novosibirsk urban planning school, which considers the sustainable development of public territories as an analytical complex of urban systems. In Novosibirsk, parametric three-dimensional models are actively used to analyze the compliance of the existing state of the territory with modern standards, norms and rules, to justify the main directions of transformation and to assess the effect of making management decisions aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the territory. Using the example of research on...

  • Elena Bulgakova, Georgy Gorshkov, Svetlana Zabelina

    The article tells about the transition of Moscow Information and Technological University-Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute (MITU-MACI) into a digital educational environment, describes the peculiarities of implementation of distance methods into the technology of traditional training of architects. The prospects are estimated with regard to increasing the level of educational activity.

  • Inna Druzhinina, Victoria Astrakhantseva

    The article speaks about the development of architectural education at Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute from the establishment of architecture speciality to the present time. It presents the collected historical information about the pioneers of this field. Several events and their causes are analyzed. The names, titles, awards and concrete achievements of the heads of the chairs and the institute are provided. The specific features of the background, formation and development of the Irkutsk architectural education are highlighted.

  • The article considers town-planning motivations that come into collision on the degrading territory of the Central Heating and Power Plant 2 in Irkutsk. The multifunctional center is designed to link the historical center built up at different times and the monument of industrial architecture. The proposed design solutions show that the motives of preservation of the historic-cultural heritage do not contradict the investment attractiveness of the project and the increasing urbanization.

  • The given materials present the projects of international teams that took part in the 21st session of the International Baikal Winter University of Town Planning Design devoted to redevelopment of uncomfortable city districts with a high share of mixed and industrial use. Studying the case of improvement of Zhilkino settlement in Irkutsk, the teams proposed new ideas for dealing with built-up areas, which could be realized not only for Zhilkino, but also for other similar districts around the world.
    Redevelopment of ineffectively used territories as hidden resources for urban...

  • Mariia Zolotukhina, Julius Wuerbach, Veronika Kozhevnikova, Chuhui Wu, Irene Apra, Valeriia Gabai

    The concept was worked out for the redevelopment of ineffectively used territory of Zhilkino settlement to include it in the urban fabric of Irkutsk. The concept integrates ecological and economical aspects for building a rubbish recycling plant on the basis of circular economy. The concept embraces the basic fields: landscape; economy; socio-cultural aspect and transport.

  • Alina Muratova, Andrea Linxiang Ma, Hamad Shokr, David Chelala, Shahzad Ahmed Malik, Polina Razvozzhaeva

    The redevelopment concept is described in terms of a human-oriented approach. The complex development is supposed to be in seven directions: social infrastructure, trading street, green area; cultural heritage, educational center, business area and vehicular and pedestrian links. Three stages of project realization are described.

  • Satyajit Mal, Anna Klimczak, Thato Motlhaping, Anastasiia Chichenkova, Veronika Fomina, Mennatallah Hamdy Aziz

    The redevelopment concept of the ineffectively used territory of Zhilkino settlement is aimed at revitalzation of its identity based on innovative technologies of wood and food industry, as well as improvement of the quality of water system.

  • Amr Mohamed Alqamary, Aya Magdy, Stefan Schaefer, Omar Razin, Timur Dashiev, Daria Volohova

    The redevelopment concept of the ineffectively used territory of Zhilkino settlement is focused on the development of public centers in the district as a key resource for revitalization of the territory. The idea of participatory design is proposed for the settlement transformation.

  • The results of the Student Competition held in China in 2019 are viewed with the use of methods of conceptual and terminological analysis of the competition task and the explanatory texts of some of the projects, a selective questionnaire survey of the finalists, a review of contemporary literary sources devoted to competitive designing. The article shows the attitude to the competitive design as an integral part of the contemporary architectural practices in foreign countries. In conclusion, the necessity of a stable tradition of conceptual competitive designing in Russia is...