A Peripatetic Promenade Around a Debatable Quarter: Analysis of Urbanship in Irkutsk’s Quarter





architecture, urban environment, urbanship, visual shot, social psychology, urban studies


The 130 Quarter in Irkutsk was rebuilt more than seven years ago. Since then it has been constantly debated. The article demonstrates the results of the analysis of the Quarter’s environment with the help of two original methods. Comments made by guests of the Quarter were examined by using the frequency content analysis method. The Quarter’s environment was studied by using the key visual shot method. The author reveals the reasons why the Quarter’s environment attracts Irkutsk citizens and guests of the city. The directions of the Quarter’s development as an environmental and economically self-sufficient entity are also presented in the article.

How to Cite

Lidin, K. (2015). A Peripatetic Promenade Around a Debatable Quarter: Analysis of Urbanship in Irkutsk’s Quarter. Project Baikal, 12(45), 134–137. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.45.897







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