the Irkutsk sixtiers


  • Elena Grigoryeva Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences; IAAM; Union of Architects of Russia



Having come from the capitals to Irkutsk in the late 50s – early 60s, those foplings, idealists, maximalists and daydreamers started a new stage full of brave ideas and incredible realizations.

There is a popular belief that the architecture of the 1960s is not architecture at all. Forced to be ascetic, this architecture is often unphotogenic. Nowadays it suffers from advertisements, signs and alterations; sometimes it is utterly distorted being wrapped in shining foil of modern materials to satisfy a new owner.

The editorial staff’s task was to return authors to the anonymous buildings of the 1960s.

We reopen for ourselves and our readers several iconic buildings, among which there are not only Pavlov’s buildings that have all-Union and even international recognition, but also the Palace of Sports by Shmatkov, the Medical Institute by Kolpikov, the terraced hospital on the embankment and the Art School by Shilov, the polyclinic on Sverdlov Street by Nechvolodov, kindergartens and hostels by Stanislav Grigoryev, the railway station in Novo-Lenino by Nechitailo…

Among them there are also residential buildings by Valeria Aptekman worked out for the center and adequately sized for man and historical Irkutsk. And its interpretation made by Antipin and Pavlov for Zvezdochka microdistrict that was published in PB 26.

The reader will see an unrealized Civilian Ceremonies Hall by Khaldeev – one of the opportunities lost by Irkutsk.

Voronezhsky’s sketches for the Musical Theatre, which were later taken into consideration by Moscow authors.

Residential neighborhoods Headwater (Solnechny) and Pervomaisky, microdistricts Baikalsky and Sinyushina Gora by Voronezhsky, Bukh, Pavlov and Grigoryev demonstrate work with systems of public spaces, pedestrian axes, courtyards and recreations that are so urgent now in the 21st century.

And, finally, the bright ideas in urban planning by Voroneznsky that predetermined the city development for many years to come – the Cultural Center and the Baikal Beam.

The Irkutsk sixtiers not only met big social challenges producing millions of square meters of dwellings and services. Their works show interesting decisions in terms of natural framing, landscape, silhouette and landmarks.

Their charm and sincerity against today’s pragmatic conformism are like pure and laconic architecture of the 60s against some examples of senseless superfluities of the 90s and the 2000s.

How to Cite

Grigoryeva, E. (2014). the Irkutsk sixtiers. Project Baikal, 11(39-40), 171–171.





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