baikal. baikalsk


  • Elena Grigoryeva



baikal, baikalsk


Residents of Pribaikalie care very little if Baikal is among top 10 wonders of Russia or number one in this list. They are sure that their Baikal is a site of global significance. Not because it is the deepest lake in the world containing one-fifth of the world’s freshwater stock, which is a deficit already today. The natives have a gut feeling that Baikal is exceptional. A fault existing over millions of years and a future ocean. A keeper of memory for millions of years, because, as it was proved, water has memory. You feel it. It makes you return to the lake again and again. Or, once you have been there, you will never forget it. People addicted to Baikal are very happy: this source of pure energy supports them. We obviously need to widen this circle of happy people. However, with all this in mind, what is happening on the shores of Lake Baikal? How this feeling is reflected in townplanning documents? Is it implemented in practice? More and more often we return to a painful conclusion: everything done by a human being on the shores is unworthy of Baikal. With rare exception. The quality of architecture evaluated by Barbara Cappochin International Prize and the UIA news are provided in the beginning of the issue (5) by Anna Grigorieva. Tatyana Annenkova describes a brain storm on the Irkutsk wooden heritage in the traditional section EDUCATION (31). Alexander Rappaport (26) and Architectural School MARCH (28) take us to the future of higher education.

How to Cite

Grigoryeva, E. (2013). baikal. baikalsk. Project Baikal, 10(37-38), 1–1.





Editorial material

Author Biography

Elena Grigoryeva

architect, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS), full member of the International Academy of Architecture, Moscow Branch, Eurasia (IAAM)